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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. I do not believe /abandonmission should be removed. The last thing I want is to be forced to play with a tk'er after they just did that to us. No thank you.
  2. Are you playing in the testing grounds or the regular servers? I don't think you said.
  3. trying to take you serious but that pose you are doing makes me think you are having your portrait painted... and that you are missing the old nautical hat Ok back to topic.... I used to use my vegas (not even a 4x4) and go to the top of buildings as a shortcut like the mall in waterfront and those stairs. It made me jump to that hotel area with sabbat and I would alig the op runner to take it back.....and when I was a bronze too (youtube tutorials work wonders) Good times back then but out of bounds kinda ruined that but that is understandable as well with how people would glitch the capture.
  4. Disclaimer : serious post it happened yet again.... *edit please excuse typos my keyboard is acting up* Tip : some simple pointers on dodging and not dying from rockets are as follows : Avoid standing next to cars they blow up and so will you. Avoid running directly away from it since its a line of fire from it flying in a straight line. It is easier to dodge rockets by strafing left or right rather than trying to run away from it since it is hard to tell exactly where it will hit he ground other than the line it is fired. And for the love of God DO NOT RUN TO TEAMMATES
  5. If you mean the g string thread It's in the clothing thread somewhere lol (old or new forums iono ) ~~~~~~~>
  6. ....... how else could you make a thread or even log on for that matter?
  7. There are Asian stores in central California that have a multi vitamin liquid boosters that work very well. I never could read what most of it says though since it was an import.
  8. I firmly believe in my first post of this thread. As for the second quote - still happening , still LMAO that people are downvoting me for being reasonable and polite about it.
  9. ROFLLLLLL There are exceptions if people are seeing massive toxicity and a person requests it to end the unproductiveness from said toxicity. But in the end it is still only a request but is still calling for a Gm intervention if possible by them. They can not close a thread just because after all.
  10. lol that reminds me of back when you could get run over by your own car if it was sliding in the direction of the door you exit from. Still can.
  11. The way you seem salty makes me think you are a bronze complaining about golds being better than you *shrugs*
  12. Your aim is as terrible as your clothing.... But from what I seen hit it didn't look far off at all given the hit box size currently for APB
  13. There is a thread by MattScott on support ticket status I believe the number was at 8,000 of legit support tickets and 60,000 from spam Give them time please.
  14. Can someone explain to me his thinking of doing this thread and poll? I've been trying to think of anything that wouldn't suggest him being stupid enough to make me want to slap him with a fish......
  15. I believe he is saying he is paranoid about being banned from people not liking him and how many false "team watch' reports happen lately from a misuse of the /report feature we had. You are not the only one paranoid. Many feel the same way from bronzes and silvers misusing the report feature just for being killed and how many false bans happened. that is why I am so happy about Battleeye being added to APB since it is one of the top anti cheats. It helps prove our innocence while it works on those who are not.
  16. I believe the discussion is pretty much done now. I don't want this to become bitter for anyone.
  17. If they don’t get it right the first time what makes you think they are ever going to get it right it’s not my problem some players have bad experiences with shot guns maybe they are just bad with them That would imply that they failed on the testing grounds to fix broken aspects of the guns as well as to rebalance them which you hate the idea of since in your opinion shotguns are fine even though every gun is unbalanced right now To not succeed is to fail That statement of yours is on the first page.
  18. And just how am I being overemotional by saying it is a testing ground and you are unwarranted for saying Little Orbit failed? lol
  19. And where does me being realistic say I have an ego ? I stated facts of the current situation.
  20. So far all I have seen in this thread you created was opinions , lack of evidence to support your statements , and unrealistic expectations as a whole. Little Orbit is doing more in these short two months of work (three months of ownership but one was just moving in) than anyone else from G1 did for us to fix the many broken aspects of APB Acknowledging the truth of the facts and evidence of deeds done by Little Orbit is not brown nosing but it is seeing truth for what it is : Truth. In reality all you have done is voice your opinion to keep everything the same which is how we lost players to begin with. By far a horrible idea to keep APB going is to be stagnant like how G1 did to us. And if you don't like that or that we do not agree with you all I can say is suck it up. (six sentences so I doubt you'll read it honestly)
  21. Wow one post has 5 whole sentences another has four when most have two. Not going to comment further on that..... The testing ground is for testing they just started to fix the many broken aspects of the guns and unbalances among them all.
  22. Technically it was done as soon as it was made with how it was made. Complaining over a testing ground saying they failed wasn't good *shrugs*
  23. It's an alig.... a heavy assault machine gun It's not blowing bubbles at you....
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