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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. Not a bug or exploit it was put that way intentionally by G1 but I do not remember why
  2. Well I for one am glad theres no voicechat/messages on these forums, if that's what you're referring to. SECOND THAT !!!!!
  3. I never turned Voip off so but no lag on my end
  4. Too much credit way too much credit...they aren't witty at all really But thanks for being nice about it
  5. Whoa, easy there, king of the nerds! This is not a troll post. It's just merely a snarky way of reminding LO to fix things. Now simmer down, bucko. So now they're supposed to go to your house to fix your house?
  6. SKYRIM BELONGS TO THE NORDS !!! But really no its just you so...
  7. I never blamed it on you, now did I? You merely assumed I did. Please give objective thinking a chance. Thankoooo Not even close to what that meant.... wow
  8. Sigh Yet another " I died so you must be cheating " Some people saying they are lagging I'm not saying it because I'm not but you might be
  9. I know. I get it. You love to kiss butts. Also, fiber optics is very speedy. You should try it! Not my fault you have lag lol Haters gonna hate
  10. Uh.... no and no... And then no and no there either.... Do you have network issues? And finally...... hipster....
  11. you mean like the first stage of balance passes thats changing like 6 or 7 guns? As long as no ones passing gas
  12. Then there's what looks like stink bugs but as long and big as the tip of your thumb to the second knuckle
  13. June bugs are scarier they'll crawl in your ears then you have to go to a hospital to get it out
  14. The segregation caused a massive amount of players to leave actually Its why APB players numbers are so low compared to how they used to be
  15. but there are bronze clans in bronze districts.......
  16. The old ranking system as well as the current both need to be reworked Little Orbit is already doing that aren't they?
  17. why do you keep spamming that, only the thread creator can request a lock actually there's multiple ways both are correct ways and there's one or two other ways to as well (being the management) hence the request to close it for those reasons but from multiple posts going beyond they may miss it so at times I redo it Its valid or I wouldn't request it - but it's only a request
  18. found this.... what are your opinions https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/recipes/a50143/birthday-cake-pie-recipe/ https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchen/strawberry-pie-cake-recipe-2043007
  19. I'm cringing 13 pages of this To restate this again for clarity : I am requesting this thread be closed due to toxic behavior rather than a meaningful discussion as well as major off topic remarks from the author who seems to be out of control to reason with This thread is not benefiting the community and will only promote more toxicity if it continues any longer.
  20. You're the one who's acting like an entitled child..... seriously just stop.... you fail to acknowledge the truth that i posted above. Actually here are your words "And no not everything needs to be fixed most things are not broken at all.... wow cant believe you said that" That is merely your opinion not truth at all. not once did I claim I'm entitled to have it my way I did however explain many reasons why this is a bad idea and how it would make it horrible like black Light retribution (If it even exists anymore) And many people from the community on the forums as well as in APB seem to thin the same things...hmm Then you made baseless assumptions about people that are way off track and then started attacking people yet again....and again...and again. Sadly, your second answer is wrong. Damn that's what I get for trying google translate...explains why it was weird to me for this thread
  21. answer is : If you can read this it shows you might not need the reading glasses I suggested before. In the last few months, the success of the financial crisis has led to continuous continuity of the non-transparent and non-fundamental campaign, technolateral truncation. Back on topic : 23k ..... no just no... and no and no no no and no.... (see his previous post) I truly believe you only care about what you want and not anything to do with what is good for APB or you wouldn't be provoking people for not agreeing with you. Stop acting like an entitled child..... seriously just stop....
  22. should I of used potato instead of tomato? didn't expect tomatoes to be hated lol
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