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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. cant believe you ........... wheres the bloody firetruck man?!? a list like that and no firetruck scandalous
  2. so open a 3rd silver district so they dont bug bronzes i guess
  3. ugh that door.... someone tried using it on me with grenades so i was forced to shoot at ti hoping to get them (that time i did) hope that gets fixed sometime soon thanks for the update Matt appreciate it
  4. dump the server population into Asylum see whos last one standing I;d try it but 20 vs 20 is fine by me on either
  5. is it a DDoS again? Were the hamsters fed? Was it the fruit cake gumming things up?
  6. the original unreal engine doesn't have capabilities that can handle what you are describing its even on the old forums how apb was being strained as it is.... your join date if accurate would show you wouldn't know of the old discussions g1 had on how they couldn't do that believe what you want but this wouldn't work until apb is fixed up first which is what Little Orbit are already focusing on
  7. Ok I speak for myself on this I play on Enforcer as well as Criminal couldn't care less about stun anything ill still find a way to kill you - click click BOOM Real fun means a challenge not " I can't have it all my way whenever so I don't like it" leave it be it's fine the way it is......ok nevermind.....add more not less i want to go wild and have that challenge of it thrown myway but that's must me speaking for myself..... unless others want it insanely more crazy out there id even want banana peels to make ppl slip n fall to shoot at them easier just like anyone climbing ladders - but that's just me speaking for myself
  8. if it isnt in the launcher or advanced launcher i wouldnt do it then since ToS says not to touch files safety first
  9. literally posted this an hour before you.... i don't own an ogre and kill it as much as it kills me so of course id say no its not a problem
  10. didn't they already answer this in another thread? this thread makes me want to drink some juice and just sit around
  11. more segregation would only add nails to the coffin of apb Little Orbit is working on solutions and testing out stuff i don't think its a good idea to stick with what we know its how it got this bad - something else needs to be tried and tested - something that can be undone if it doesn't work something like a jawbreaker grenade.... bust things up and have candy at the same time wish they had that in game btw
  12. as Matt said......battleeye is working AS INTENDED that means its doing its part also some people use the same gun over and over and their skill goes up with it....are you sure you didn't face an elite gold and get destroyed? happens to all of us sooner or later and then there's some server lag etc that Matt mentioned that would affect what we see and do which explains why sometimes we get dropped dead before we can react i am in the same boat we all are which is that once apb is fixed...sigh soon ™ ..... then things will be more promising and funner around here and less hacking accusations and no i don't want to see broadcasts it created massive toxic fumes that we just don't need - we didn't always have broadcasts and it was more pleasant times without them - good to see them gone
  13. as everyone pointed out.... i know better than that so make an enf and have at it.... you'l see LTL is difficult to get arrests with and all around is a downgrade compared to normal weapons and no cars are not op for enf and not crim you didnt level your contacts enough for the cars mods etc and the non cross faction still have some that are on the other side to be bought on armas and boxes
  14. remove explosives? i don't like that honestly they are so much easier to kill when they are stupid enough to use rocket indoors lol and if you mean from outdoor use there.... why are you not using cover and in the open? you'd get sniped just as easily then. am i missing something? from what i rad this is the impression it gives so all i can do is ask to be sure. and omg hat that guy who shoots a rocket behind me on my team... or an alig etc.....keeps happening lately bleh
  15. the client receives from the server..... it cant receive any faster than what the server puts out...... client side cap wont help until the game is fixed properly first the money for apb is needed to fix apb first that's everything said by me..... others said more to clarify. cmon guys this isn't that hard to understand. please re-read the whole thread and listen to what we aid and it might make more sense.
  16. no one deserves a legendary for logging in 30 days unless its a temp one just so they can get the feel of it all your money went to gun leases? how much did you play most guns aren't expensive and can be earned by a lot of people in 1-3 missions but as for rewards in general what could they actually do right now? i cant think of anything in game that could really be used properly for a reward
  17. like everyone already said the ogre is not as op as it looks even after wind up if you know how to use your own guns properly and which ones for certain situations then the ogre can lose easily
  18. This ^^^ should explain as well along with what i said its not a good idea and this is why.... we need apb fixed as a whole first or it wont be around to have any framerate because the game wouldn't exist anymore
  19. the IO growl is worse that bishada raipier its not as bad as you think
  20. not anywhere near what i said.... its not that simple apb needs a complete overhaul or we would get nothing but lag and crashes from pushing it any further Little Orbit mad that very clear they aren't doing anything like this or anything else to apb unless its to fix apb first might want to think before adding salt sigh
  21. sometimes steam has a problem connecting with apb servers i forget the details but its on the old forums somewhere how its that *edit* also sometimes characters get locked in the district and it can take up to 15 minutes to unlock them...they get stuck in tasty burger or something
  22. Winter should look like winter id like this but also destroyable snow drifts where the snow plows dumped the snow on the sides of the road here n there a destroyable winter environment would be interesting i seen fog for October during the Halloween event but i don't know about any other time - random weather makes it interesting id like that too like heavy rain that makes cars slide if going too fast n stuff you know a real environment for driving (would make racing interesting too)
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