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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. even youtube is only 60 fps so this honestly sounds like overkill when the money can be used to upgrade districts or the whole game first
  2. need a few different animal mask heads like an ape , wolf , panda , cant believe i forgot them spiked sports shoes of various types (someone wanted a baseball player in an old forum post and another wanted a rugby one) oh and someone suggested bow ties before on the old forum thread some different styles of cowboy hats ( current ones too city like) as well as boots and a duster to go with it driving gloves (if it wasn't mentioned) chef hat chauffeur hat various fast food hats and clothes..... people gotta eat somewhere
  3. i play to play people having any character maxed out is only icing on the cake my first post i show i stand
  4. i dont like this id rather Little Orbit not lose money from this or APB and Fallen Earth wouldn't have proper funding and would die for sure
  5. aw but the thought of turning into an instant 100 mph fireball is so desirable you know id try to LOL
  6. the problem with that is ops are supposed to be able to do that just like the deployable radios from them however that doesnt mean i want to hear music blaring hurting my eardrums anymore it annoys me as well - BUT out of mission with them is a total different story if they arent my mission i dont like hearing ti at all trollers do that so i cant hear where ops are
  7. i seen a post from one of the others a few hours ago or so thats for support tickets thats not how many are being unbanned a different thread says over 17000 are being unbanned and that they are doing it in parts because of the amount of them two different things
  8. NO YOU SHOULD NOT there is a post saying they are doing it in waves from how many there are they are getting around to them all be patient i think they said over 17,000 to be unbanned so they are getting around to them all it just takes time my god man let them have time to use the restroom XD
  9. and how can they sort out who was falsely banned and who wasn't? they have made a fair decision to take just the joker tickets and money from the missions. they get back the rest of their stuff. i don't see how this is a bad thing other than some grinding needed for anyone
  10. I'm not sure about a better inventory right now - might be too much for current engine to make efficient enough to not become worse from changing code to fix it but AFTER is a completely different story number keys for a faster equip and so on id be all for
  11. hmm not sure on this... i know for joker tickets you can get these mods but i don't recall if there's a restriction on them as well i cant recall at the moment but if there is a restriction on them as well then yeah its bad for bronze to have these in there from unbalance either way once Little Orbit can upgrade the engine properly im sure they will announce what plans they have for apb in more detail
  12. complaining over support when its flooded wit tickets and the staff made NUMEROUS posts saying they are working on it... I'm justified in saying how yet another thread complaining about support is annoying how many others on the forums said the same words i did ? i lost count along time ago. that's not me being emotional when i say a few lines and you interpret it any way you choose it is however me being blunt and to the point also guy claims he "lost" them doesn't equal that he did..... that's for staff to investigate when they get to his ticket - others over the years made false claims some of which were banned for stealing to begin with one final thing i wont comment on how i remember you two and what for..... would fall under naming and shaming so i refuse. staff will decide on this for themselves no further notifications will be received - forgot to turn that off for this thread
  13. you just proved every thing i said and why im walking away shoo shoo
  14. also new players like myself so yes there's more people playing now
  15. sigh really? complaining about support when it's flooded with tickets? they openly said its flooded and that they are working on all those tickets. and insulting them saying they're no better than g1...grrr ill stop right here before i get toxic....and man you make it want to oooze out for treating Little Orbit like that when they've barely owned apb for a month
  16. ammo costs? its already dirt cheap respawning cars? why not take one of the npc cars to get around then? not enough time to play? not my fault....cant help with that once again - there was a market exploit for free money so the money sink is needed..... as long as g1 didn't fully delete it then its somewhere on the old threads also like others mentioned - having more money from no money sink only means prices go up because no one would sell stuff dirt cheap lie it is now legendary's used to be in the millions just for one gun one final thing - the ones who have millions made themes clothes and sold off armas gun s for the money they have now the rest said they got it from ram raiding
  17. it sounds that way to me as well - i play enforcer as well as criminal and LTL is not so easy to use to begin with and this is why LTL is not easy to use to begin with.... so many times I get my arrests killed from some trigger happy who only wants kills
  18. regardless of being disliked for posting this , it is an accurate and truthful post.... pictures don't show the whole truth and naming and shaming is not allowed because of toxicity also I play on Jericho (north America) and while occasionally i see cheating i do not normally see it anymore I'm not someone who normally gets gold so i play in bronze as well as silver I am not aware what they have on overseas servers i can only speak for Jericho in North America Fairfight is still up but Little Orbit mentioned it has inconstancy and caused some false ban possibilities of reasonable doubt. once Battleeye is added to Apb when they are ready with it then we will see whatever we see but until then id have to say this following statement : Normally I am a high silver / low gold so it is easier for me to see if someone is cheating and record them when needed but for those of you who are bronze i honestly doubt you from you not having enough experience to tell whom is since there are those just better than you as well as possible cheaters. many times those of you who accuse who are bronze also accuse me even though i get 60+ fps with my GeForce graphics card so I simply can not say you are reliable enough yet to trust on this
  19. i hope so whats more awesome than devs who play the game because they love it as much as you. doesn't get better than that
  20. i seen the post today it was the day before they came on i was in game and not on the forums so i didn't see it in time totally sucks I've wanted to play with the gm's for years and missed the chance when it finally came around sigh
  21. I didn't notice anyone in waterfront cheating are you sure it wasn't lag? there's been a lot lately so its possible what you seen wasn't what the server seen
  22. sigh i missed the post and was busy helping clan members play would of loved to play with you guys. hopefully next time....and hopefully a longer announcement gap so everyone finds out lol i think our whole clan missed the notification meh
  23. actually you are not supposed to publicly "name and shame" Little Orbit made it clear they are removing the server ban notices because of how toxic it made things become. plus just a screenshot doesn't prove anyone is cheating or not anyways - not saying they were not but it cant show anything to prove for or against them - only that they were there it would take a video of that and not a laggy one which means a decent computer to record them with A Geforce graphics card has built in recording so id recommend a 1080 Ti graphics card but if you are on a budget a 1050 ti would be good enough
  24. this has me torn while i agree gamersfirst didn't keep promises and has a bad reputation and should be removed and replaced with the little orbit logos etc it may take too much time and money and spread resources too thin to fix apb..... so for the sake of giving the new dev team room to breathe and finances to make it happen id have to say no not a good idea right now... later yes if they want to but now is not a good time in my opinion
  25. not everyone suspected of cheating is actually cheating. some of us simply have less lag and better computers. some of us get accused even though we have computers made for gaming at optimal speeds. that means hardly any lag from trouble connecting with apb or any hangs from our computers spiking. either way a better computer still doesn't mean much if you run into those guys on your team who kill you from behind then blame you for being in the way for *gasp* shooting at ops.... lots of it lately only true reason i can think of to team kill is that guy....lol anyways back on topic : not everyone is a botter but yes some are suspiciously too good like when there's major server lag but they don't msis a single shot
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