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Everything posted by Mitne

  1. Ahhh. Nothing like pool which favors only one side of argument. And more idiotic one. BuT mAh MiSsIoNs. Can't even drive around or do some alternative shit, that's totally haram to you, eh? I might be try-hard but i'm so totally against killing fun part of community.
  2. I don't think it's interest of cheaters cheating in this game to DDoS attack it. That would be cutting access from game for them. I think it's more of salty people who either get banned, got some agenda against this game and/or playerbase, eventually people who just want it "to die already" (there is quite a lot of such people).
  3. Like this isn't clear for years now... Just look at this people cheating.
  4. You post-poned so much that I couldn't attend to that test due to real life matters. Lovely.
  5. Mitne

    FOR community Manager

    I'm not investing in you.
  6. Mitne

    FOR community Manager

    We don't know either. But I guess you need to get used to YooD questions.
  7. Says one hiding behind cropped manga as avatar.
  8. Meh. Screw them, most of them is lost cause anyway. They enter for week, complaing about everything, quit for month, to go back and then moan how there is not any major change, continue to complain, repeat and go. You either stay to end or give up - dunno why this people don't give up and let normal people step in. Saw a lot of normal newbies who geniunely enjoy game but are destroyed because constant moaners need their kill. It's insane.
  9. Do you find it strange? I think we all are a little insane.
  10. Let's not forget about this famous quote of Abraham Lincoln
  11. Wouldn't really change that much with ZombieBiscuit in my opinion.
  12. But wait Cookie... You said Jericho don't have cheaters! So why bother?
  13. Shhh. I'm entitled. I have right to demand, you have no right to question my logic. /s
  14. Since i'm about to get 100,000 kills myself instead of creating new thread I decided to dig out this one. Now. As reward I demand only money. Of course joke but if you want to give me 100 k $ irl. that would fix all my current problems.
  15. ^ Mentally unstable people shouldn't make decision about game.
  16. "Problem #2: Shortly after we went live, the brand new RAID controller in our new primary database server quickly degraded in performance. To make the situation worse, we rushed to get servers back online and decided it would be okay to let players back in while the secondary database server finished syncing. The hardware failure hit so quickly that the secondary wasn't ready, so we couldn't failover. At this point we made an effort to keep the servers online through the weekend, and while our jury-rigged fix allowed some players to get on, it also lead to many other players being unable to login (Error 9). The team decided the quickest way to fix the issue would be to build an entirely new primary database server and then swapping everything over on Monday. We didn't want to risk moving damaged drives to the new servers, so we needed a complete backup to make sure we didn't lose anything." ~ Matt Scott They basically explained their actions pretty correctly and what they did was pretty clear. Secondary database is still "old good one" but their were just synch it up with new primary database but they rushed it and done oopsie while at that. Also they didn't knew WHEN they gonna fix it, that's why they kept pushing dates. It's all fun to talk like that from our perspective but we talk about not GBs of data but TBs which somehow need to be moved from damaged database. And then try to find new RAID controller over weekend... etc. etc. Be glad we still aren't under old G1 - it most likely would end up with death of game in their case. But yeah, I kinda warned you about inherted G1 hardware, LO.
  17. But... what is your question?
  18. Mitne

    cpu upgrade

    Phi. If you build PC for APB (and APB only) might as well use Intel Quad core. Not like it makes huge difference with how game runs.
  19. Hah. Been observing what is going on for bigger part of week. Honestly all I do right now is laugh. Btw. to get feel how frustrating this thing might been to players who even tried to play that days (I didn't. Didn't had to, thanks God) - https://will.io/apb/ Whole chart is so broken from all downtimes. There were also signs of trouble at 1st of May.
  20. Hmph. I always was telling that old G1 was pretty arbitrary in their actions. Also their response is another PR disaster then.
  21. Yeah. Problem is ToS states that GamersFirst can do whatever they want with accounts as they "own them". Unjustifed bans for their own mistake included. Still if you do that - it's PR disaster. Did they even offer refund btw?
  22. Yearly cash flow and we talk monthly cash flow. If we break it - 1 million into 12 parts it's not that impressive. Now LO got according to crunchbase got around 11 to 50 employees (https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/little-orbit#section-overview) ~ 83333$ monthly -> and you need to pay employees, fund project, host game servers and have additional things like outsourcing work and PR stuff. And of course I know financial reports are for year, not for month but I hope you get idea. There also costs of game and income from it. If it's positive and company is getting profit, i don't see why close up company or why close up game. Possible FE might be in that positive as well as Gamersfirst company.
  23. It's not opinion. It's business analysis.
  24. Long term i don't see any return from GamersFirst as well. Right now we got dwindling population to that. Meaning lesser and lesser income received unless players start to spend more. Close it up before it's too late! Don't try to turn around argument YOU yourself provided.
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