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Everything posted by Mitne

  1. If you think that's what people who are gone wanted... you are so sorely mistaken. They not gonna come back for even more unbalanced district and disco lights. Reasons people left this game: 1. Boredom, 2. Balance issues(also known as threat issue), 3. Toxic people (including cheaters, dethreaters, abusers), 4. "Lack of progress" - in some of players eyes, many already voiced such opinions and left, other left during G1 era and never returned.
  2. This shit again. Eh. Edit: This event is just meh, don't take me wrong.
  3. You read what I said wrong. The only reason why they got APB and FE is probably because they didn't updated they site - at bottom you see "©2004-2018 Reloaded Games, Inc. - All rights reserved", site was probably updated before LO buy out.
  4. Because they are different entities with different rights - Reloaded Productions having rights to APB and FE. Jeez. And I couldn't find Reloaded Games site, only Reloaded Productions site which entity behind it (which is Reloaded Productions) is owned as stated by Matt here by LO. And just for your total clarification Reloaded Games =/= Reloaded Productions. Two different entities. Two different companies. Two different rights to games.
  5. My shitty PC built from trash can run it somehow decent on low with all textures not being this "absolute" minimal of Advanced Launcher. Spent litteraly 100$ for that PC and can run all AAA games up to 2012-2013 and some of other modern titles.
  6. Problems with APB for population to drop so seriously were way deeper than stunts. And honestly stunts are not that fun as you make them up to be. Been here several years and game simply gets... repetitive - the fact that you need to make up yourself tasks (such as stunts) to do in locked MMO is just proof of that.
  7. They are fine as they are. My only problem is with cooldown - it's not often but you can meet guys litteraly dependant on them and deploying them "whenever". Blocking ladders is other thing but beyond few places, most are climable from other place or you can shot it off pretty easily.
  8. If it don't butcher it to be manual ban tool which works so badly that even playing game is considered cheating for it and then refuse to acknowledge the problem - bam, suddenly "everyone" are cheater.
  9. I can understand OCA moans vs ATAC because i'm there. ATAC at close range is virtually the same as OCA with just a tiny bit slower TTK. Can't understand N-TEC which basically can enter in any fight I have and spray me to death and still will hit more than I do with OCA most of time.
  10. Hell. I can propose 3 changes to map out of my head right now. There is room to improvement.
  11. You saw last time what went down. GM went to FC, cheaters ran away and came back after "it was clear". Then the same people wonder why I hackusate them. The worst part is that some of this names I saw were unbanned along with me (meaning we were basically again where we shouldn't and meaning that certain fuckers basically breached trust) - making me effectively "equal" to them.
  12. Out of Bound. *Ba dum tss*
  13. Mitne


    I can do it on hand in 5 minutes. If I have free time, I'll do quick video doing that hoodie tomorrow.
  14. My theme is awesome. Riff guitar and drums is enough, others only have earrapes or copies of real life songs.
  15. Well. If they scream at me in language I don't understand and expect me to understand them, then I am to blame? (So fucking many whispers in russians probably telling me how much I "suck") So much sorry.
  16. Get used to it. Also if that would be so much people waiting, some would get brain to join new one.
  17. My policy is that I make all symbols, themes, cars etc. by myself for myself. Everyone say something along lines that "My theme suck", "My symbol suck" etc. - fuzzy bunny at least I made that, not just bought it from marketplace and use it along with 100 people. Do this symbols yourself Yood - it's way more liberating.
  18. I can't read Cyrillic. With Latin I can at least put it in Google Translate and get basic idea what he talks to me about. With cyrillic I don't know what letters are these. And also why do WE have to cut out from them, not other way around?
  19. Yes. So I can improve my legitness Of course not, for who you take me.
  20. You don't remember Puck? My god, you miss so much. Also FAQ type of answers from G1, that too you don't remember? And when it was something else, suddenly contact dropped. That's why I prefer "innocent until proven" policy over "guilty until proven".
  21. There was zero proof on me tho. (I know that I don't use cheats, what evidence they could possibly have on me?) That made this company altitude all more fishy to me - expected FairFight derping out and them being like "Yeah, you are good".
  22. Worse? Lmao. In my case with G1 I was contacted every single time by bot with copy-pasta message. Why it takes so long? Because while we got like population of one thousand, there several retards who make thousand tickets, double them and they not even hide it away. Just look how many tickets support have to handle.
  23. Term is braindead. Don't tell me you don't see that in every game you play.
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