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Everything posted by Mitne

  1. You mean that glorious anti-cheat which flagged everyone but people cheating?
  2. How to become APB copypasta in few minutes: The Story.
  3. And then you decided to flop down building. Devil Dog awesomeness was too much to bear? (Also wtf was that on left on street in 0:18 to 0:20 - it moved so slow)
  4. Years ago I was angry at griefers - I guess something must snapped in me cause today I think otherwise. Griefing isn't bad as long as it doesn't target important utilities, like garages or spawns - and you block off entire district from that place. Even worse if it's targeted at certain group of players or player though. Then it's straight-up harrasment. But in that case? Like seriously? Clearly they have fun, observing reaction to blocked road and you go "hurr durr, they disturb my mission!" - my god, they took you 2-3 seconds from mission time?... C'mon... There like about 3 ways around it (1 shortcut in that situation, 2 main roads). And honestly right now I think what this game misses is factor of fun - something this guy either want to have or bring into APB. Exactly this. After all this years gameplay might turn into dull and boring so at least something gives me laugh once in a while.
  5. I'm burger king plebs. If you want burgers, you have to serve me... or pay me 5,95$ for Burger King XXL. Offer time limited.
  6. That's basic situational awareness. What am I saying... some people are oblivious to what is going on around them.
  7. With this community I don't even think watermark of that kind gonna stop from criticizing. I fully understand Matt approach...
  8. don't throw at me strange words at 1 am please.
  9. Yeah but it's still bother. I want them to feel demotivated by whole though of cheating. I know it's not correct solution. Honestly I really reconsider if we shouldn't go Town of Salem route when it comes to cheaters and cheating providers - at least part of their income would land in game. (For this unaware what Town of Salem is - well basically browser game which got problem with bots and cheating to point where devs by popular support made game pay to play from free to play model.)
  10. Oh well. Alcohol is alcohol tovarisch!
  11. You gotta have some serious nerve to advertise your cheats in game. But then again they would stop after several quick bans.
  12. Is vodka reward for that rating?
  13. Total action district time kinda don't match up to kills... unless you spend shitton of time at FC. Then it's even more sad.
  15. Nothing other than firewall can't block APB Launcher. I would try to unlock port of APB from router admin panel and check if Windows didn't flagged it for some reason. Otherwise it might be borked APB Launcher.
  16. Don't all characters have very limited version of air control anyway though? (Cause this shit would be OP in places like garages)
  17. That's pretty obvious one. This two are specialist contacts and taking that we litteraly have only ranks for 2 more contacts (look up picture below for reference - specialist contacts got 20 ranks... final contacts will probably have 25) - they gonna be added and then real leaders of factions gonna be most likely be another batch of contacts aka. Mayor Jane Derren and Luke Waskawi.
  18. Nah. Last thing we need is 200 ms latency.
  19. Actually I would love to have open slot CSG... Too bad certain weapons are only optional with zero mods or locked mods.
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