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Everything posted by Mitne

  1. That doesn't sound like it's intended as it didn't happen before patch... Of course i'm against it.
  2. Mitne

    :smh: UPDATE

    You mean in task manager? Great. That really won't help FPS in my case. 30-40 FPS, here we go again.
  3. I try it casually on some different character. Might drop in next week if it's more fun than FC at it current state.
  4. Just to clarify before I vote. We talk about legendary boxes which you drop as consumables or some unintended bug I'm not aware of yet?
  5. It's still better than what was happening in Christmas and snowstorms respawns.
  6. I guess idea for hazmat suits is to give chance of getting out from contaminated zone and that alone. In Christmas event at the end you often spawned in zones with no possible way to get out, I remember back then earning several free deaths. And that was with cars. Where in RIOT unless you find car you are on foot. Second idea why would be possibility of abusing hazmat suits. I already imagine some players would stay in contaminated zone with a lot of hazmat suits, wait it up until finale, drop into zone and claim win on weakened remaining team. In APB if you give players finger, they bite whole hand. I guess LO figured out this two things might be the case (or maybe it was unintentional side-effect since hazmat suits occupy deployables spot).
  7. No That's not how threat system works. Noticed we get points for a while? They count the most in whatever you are gold or bronze. Pretty known fact for all dethreaters out there. Threat system needs rework and adding additional "colors" further problems left by old G1. They had chance back in few years. What changed? I leave it to imagination but I always pointed this problems out... cheaters, furthering gap between F2P and paying players, try-hard population + toxic, dethreaters. Oh also. If gold premades really want, they can mess up with silver and "lower tier golds" anyway by just dethreating... Bah if they really want they can even mess with greens and still be on "even terms". What's stopping them? Oh great. So reward for being in diamond is... punishment! That won't push dethreating problem further, isn't it? Let's not talk about trash streamers because honestly. My blood boils since many of them clearly dethreats before hand, gets back into gold and then streams with their friends. I mean no other way to have that many silvers in one matches if you aren't in bronze server.
  8. I foresee it's either become as populated as FC (5 hour high pop, rest of day empty) or become total flop (empty, dead, occasional players... maybe) aka. second Open Conflict.
  9. At least LO is DelayTM company, unlike G1 with it SoonTM.
  10. Most of unbans were related to FairFight bans. Neverthless, good luck. And either don't do that stupidity again... or quit lying.
  11. You didn't really read what I wrote, did you? I praise the old times which gave me opportunity to learn. But people hated being teamed up with anyone weaker than them. So we got threat segregation. And what this high-threat pissers do now? Dethreat, because they can't stand heat in their own class and make miserable live of people who are in their own threat. That's what I despise - it makes this game insufferable for anyone new. And "skill" - nobody start with understanding of game which learning curve is pretty high and not very well explained in tutorial plus you don't start with peak performance playing some random patootie games. Most of newbies approach are "for fun", not "for grind".
  12. Some "high-skill" players dethreat to chase after low-level low-skill ones. How are you supposed to learn in that conditions? Also not all of them will become "good" but does it really matter? Every game got policy of welcome doors for people of all kind of skills but in APB it's like taboo - you either need to be good or quit game. You guys are lunatics. I remember when we got total scramble back in 2013 if you gone solo. It was awesome - you could really learn game and even if some guy gave you trouble, you focused on others... most likely team will have him covered. We got mix of good and bad - how it supposed to be. But no. People moaned over it. So they put threat restrictions. And there was a lot of warnings from everyone that people will just dethreat. Nobody listened. Now it's 2019. You are good enough to be in gold and hold it? Dethreat. Join bronze and stomp this newbies to ground! Then verbally abuse them! Let them feel salt!!! Been with reroll in January on bronze district. Gap is way too great for newbies and honestly I don't want APB as elitist game cause this "elites" leave one by one each day. Also newbies bring some sanity into game.
  13. Funny enough a lot of this issues were mentioned by me even before OTW Public when we tested connection. I smell flop all around.
  14. In my opinion what LO is doing is not wrong. Actually quite opposite. There are 2 main problems which make APB cheater problem worse: population and lack of build-in analytic tools. In 2012 this problem weren't as visible mainly because we got a lot of new players who just wanted to experince game, not cheat. Now we got 2019 and we got cheaters which cheat because A. They can B. Others can* And about analytic tools. Well. APB should convert every data from user. From movement to accuracy. And on top of it, record every gameplay as it was from user. Scan external folders and processes. I don't care about privacy honestly when it comes to that one. Just put additional info in ToS, most people not gonna even bother to look there and into that anyway. It's better than leaving anti-cheat running with no other action and then wondering why APB appears legit despite tons of reports on him from players.
  15. Your weekly polls lead me to believe you gonna raise some major drama with them at one time in future. Mark my words.
  16. I never played this much missions daily. Wth. Did you played few days in row or what?
  17. Dude. Punkbuster is most unreliable anti-cheat EVER. I can even defend FairFight more despite it banning me. Every fucking game was headache to setup if it was "protected by Punkbuster" (or more like prevented from normal players to play), even if you did setup it correctly it loved to bork with either PnkbstrA or PnkbstrB for NO FUCKING REASON. Even offical steps of reinstalling and doing it all over again didn't work. And game servers loved to ban you permantely and label you as cheater because you setup fucking Punkbuster bad. And to top it off, if you think "Sweet, then even cheaters had problem" - no. Bypasses were fucking everywhere and worked like charm. Cheaters were common. You were bound to find one per every second server and most of time what saved this games was populaton (same case as with APB) - now you see effect of scale at work. Most of games had also dedicated servers and usually staff which were players themselves so they get rid pretty quick of cheaters - but key thing is manually. It wasn't Punkbuster doing. Warrock (game which was host by your beloved back then G1 btw.), Battlefield series and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (btw. most of game servers got PB disabled and instead use self-implemented anti-cheat script which are harder to pass, jeez i wonder why?) - my most bad experinces with PunkBuster ever. I had couple of unfunny situations with Punkbuster in APB as well, although it didn't ban me thankfully.
  18. I dunno if LO carried out with their character wipe, but if they did it's quite possible that whole abandoned characters of clan members were removed, obviously disbanding whole clan in process. Honestly i'm curious and I try to create clan with name of (self-created) existing clan, just out of curiosity if this works and give you heads up.
  19. Not like you have overlay of district population below, duh.
  20. Ops. Now when you put it to light, that wipe might be justifed.
  21. I saw worse. And I played whole day in Asylum.
  22. Even less reason to watch then. 2-3 years before finale will air on local TV with poor translation or pirated cause i'm not gonna pay additional money to watch it on HBO GO.
  23. I kinda wanted to watch GoT as I got my Netflix acc. now. But you all kinda discouraged me.
  24. Meh. I'm doing all roles completed achievement for years now. I'm THAT close. When I finish I post my results :V
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