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Everything posted by AsgerLund

  1. Old man reference here! Anyone? (not aimed at you in any way, Razer)
  2. Use fused grenades instead of percs. Percs are horrible fast.
  3. That's so wonderful, I'm glad they could test their weapons on each other, on the "open test world" or whatever they call IT these days. I'm glad we agree.
  4. A forum is all about opinions. And some of the opinions about weapons and mods have been voiced by people who did extensive testing and feedbacking in OTW, so they more than deserve the right to voice their (mostly) informed opinions. Not to mention, this is the first major patch including weapon/mod changes for years, so off course it's going to result in a lot of chatter and opinions.
  5. I read the post. And while OP has a right to his opinion, luckily the game is going in a different direction.
  6. I don’t like fuzzy supper. Crispy supper is much better.
  7. That is good advice, also try not being ugly and fat. Beautiful and fat is fine, tho.
  8. Please show on this doll, where the nasty goldie shot you.
  9. You’re neither friendly nor a shitposter.
  10. I’m looking for trouble as well. Where is he? Did he get banned?
  11. Enforcer. Floating deathcam badges all the way!
  12. There is no topic to discuss in this thread. The current weapon changes are being discussed in other threads by people who: 1 - Know about game mechanics 2 - Don’t have pineapple on their pizza 3 - Know what ‘testing’ means 4 - Don’t throw hissy fits when other people don’t immediately pat them on the back and say “you’re so right, senpai”, but rather engage in constructive discussion for the better good of the game
  13. I’m happy dunces get to make threads and polls on these forums.
  14. I’ve seen harsher truths.
  15. Are the kids running or driving. They’re not old enough to have a valid driver’s license, methinks.
  16. So it could be either the ‘Saint of unemployment’ or the ‘Saint of tit’. Both seems good.
  17. You’re THE beacon of community positivity, and we’re all lesser people than you. And use the forum search function next time. It’s hands down the best advice you can get.
  18. Can I unfold such an advanced lawn chair, even if I have relatively big hands?
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