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Everything posted by AsgerLund

  1. So, you don't know the game well enough to not get scammed, and you don't know the forums well enough to not name and shame. Good luck on your ticket. It should probable be a low priority case at Support, but I hope you'll get your answer in due time.
  2. Remote Detonator and Percs... in the same thread? 2 things that makes both APB and the forum more enjoyable.
  3. Looks like I gots myself a new favourite blog!!!
  4. You got the first one with a Reach Beyond the Grave Perc after missing 75% of your shots? Respect, Ray!!!
  5. I remember that post... A lot of good people were lost during that forum purge. Off course I can't say who's responsible, but someone definitely got triggered into flinging toys out of the G1 pram left and right, resulting in a ban barrage for what was obviously nothing more than a tongue-in-cheek forum happening. In fact, the banning behaviour reminded me quite a bit of what happened during the weapons-in-Social glitch/bug.
  6. For some reason, I feel like I have to post something in this thread.
  7. Not needed. All you have to do is: Report to authorities Wait a little All problems solved
  8. shouldnt this restrict me from logging in? like it used to be. No idea. All I know is what's in the post I quoted. An extended maintenance on EU servers started 3 hours ago, and is expected to last 8 hours in total.
  9. It looks like Lixil's boo-boo caused a handful of ruptured aneurysms on Twich and here on the forums. I hope everyone is okay again.
  10. I just wish for good pizza. I keep my pies in the sky within reach - no need to set myself up for disappointment.
  11. Laughing out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out loud!!!
  12. BattlEye is active. /report has been deactivated for now, formal reporting is done to Support.
  13. My conclusion - furries are less unpopular than toxic people. I’m looking forward to the next US presidential election, which hopefully includes candidates wearing furry tail buttplugs during the televised debates!
  14. If the people you lose to on bronze district will have a harder time becoming gold, then they will stay silver, stay in bronze district, and you will continue to lose to them. If there was an easy solution, it would already have been implemented. And as dude above says, it’s on the to-do list. In fact, threat and matchmaking is a priority right after the first engine upgrade to UE3.5 is finished and released.
  15. Abby beat me to it. I never come first.
  16. *snip* You wouldn't recognize culture or fine arts, even if it came up to you and offered you free pizza with no strings attached. This blessed messaged has been approved by Brian Blessed.
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