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Everything posted by AsgerLund

  1. My additions to the already excellent choices presented: Lord Cashpoint notMateo BrandonBranderson Seadee Vipertechs
  2. Here's another example - Buff percs.
  3. Upgraded to UE version 3.5 AND 4 Reworked threat and matchmaking Implemented flawless solution to intentional dethreating BattlEye now running with 100% ban accuracy Chinese, Korean, Swahili and Urdu languages now supported in-game Racing district released Helicopters and motorcycles released "Insert meme here" And this is just peanuts compared to NEXT week's patch!!!
  4. I think they're going to fix an issue where DirectX and BattlEye would install every time you load APB.
  5. Some proper shitposting in this thread.
  6. So lately you AFK 90% of the missions you play? Isn’t that even more boring than playing against the golds?
  7. You sound a bit like my ex-wife. Do you also frantically start cleaning every time there's an urgent relationship issue to deal with?
  8. Did you make yourself laugh really hard, when you made this poll and came up with all the different answers?
  9. Everything I've ever shitposted on any forum... brought to shame... by one goddamn poll.
  10. @TheNightingale That was AWESOME!!! Do me now!
  11. So what I’m getting from this is that the nazis should just have given the stolen gold back?
  12. I’d have to change my answer...
  13. What a wake-up call!!! I’ll cease and desist and go right back to circlejerking.
  14. I’m also against the anonymous up-/downvoting. I feel so pretty when a forum celebrity upvotes me, and my ego depends on it to uphold sufficient inflation. No sarcasm, btw.
  15. My comment was about as constructive as your post - and your post is also quite accurate to the standards of this forum. Unfortunately, some think that having an opinion that isn't bashing LO is the same as throating LO. Pro tip of the day: Take in the feed-back to your posts and consider if your opinion maybe isn't as well thought out as you think it is.
  16. I enjoy the weekly updates of tickets almost as much as I enjoy the self entitled salty crying on this forum.
  17. It’s gonna be a big steaming pile...
  18. Google has really stepped up the Chrome extensions.
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