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Everything posted by AsgerLund

  1. Shenanigans are not just shenanigans. Good thing that Lixil is looking into, which kind of shenanigans we are taking about!
  2. Not to be disrespectful here, but judging from the comments on the forum and how few complaints I've read about this in-game, I think it only feels like a punch in the face of a tiny minority of the customers. It seems to me that the majority of customers feel like the pros of implementing BE outweighs the cons of the details of the implementation.
  3. "I was banned falsely by anticheat" and "The game is full of hackers, anticheat doesn't work" are symbiotic statements in APB and will continue regardless of which anticheat is being used.
  4. WTB FFA 5.56 R&D III for 1.5 mill. Citadel server. Please don't disappoint me on this.
  5. I genuinely hope so too, but I have a feeling that some players are so Dunning-Kruger'ed, that they'll do anything to cling on to their paranoia.
  6. I hope this will not increase intentional dethreating. If some players keep getting their asses handed to them in silver district after the BE implementation, they might work harder to be able to play on bronze.
  7. Name: AsgerLund From: Denmark Server: Citadel / Jericho Prefered faction: Enforcer Likes: Most types of crispy pork, Remote Detonator, perc murder-suicides, pudgy Asian girls Hates: Shirts, image-only replies, the Holocaust, bad sushi Phrase: "Is calling me "daddy" included in the price or do I have to pay extra?"
  8. Could someone please lock this thread so I can go to bed? Every second post is a god damn cliffhanger and i don’t want to miss out on any of the delicious drama.
  9. What does the Magna Carta say about in-game tiddies?
  10. I’m too lazy to turn. I’ve sat my fat patootie in the dining carriage of this hype-train, and I’m not going to move.
  11. Is there also fog when you look around your room? Then you might be high, yes.
  12. About time they learn the true nature of some of this community... movin' towards the deep end, boiiis! Disclaimer: This is a tongue-in-cheek comment, and I do not condone any behaviour which doesn't comply with the ToS and CoC.
  13. That's not the way to do it... first you should post how much experience you have as a GM in another game and the valuable lessons you learned from it. Then you should post how critical it is that the volunteer GMs have experience. And then when you apply to LO via PM (or whatever the channel will be), they can quickly check your contributions on the new forum (ie. your indirect and veeeery subtle "non-application"), and then BAM!! The GM title is in the bag. ezpz
  14. Volunteer GMs won’t have banning power, they already made that point clear.
  15. Nominating players and needing references would go against the whole anonymity thing, wouldn’t it? Not that I’m against it, but it could lead to speculation about which GM account belongs to which player, just like it did with the Mod Squad XX accounts.
  16. AsgerLund


    I understood the statement slightly different than you did. "It is better to have a hundred guilty people go free, than to have one innocent unfairly locked up". I read that as having 100 guilty people in court, but not being able to get them convicted, because the level of evidence needed has to be beyond reasonable doubt - to protect innocent people from getting convicted. I agree 100% with that statement. And it is a vastly different statement than "freeing 100 murderers would be worth it to get the one innocent free".
  17. That sounds more like a Han thing...
  18. Until they bring back Colby sub-forum?
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