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Everything posted by AsgerLund

  1. For once, I'm not going to be sarcastic on your thread, Ray. I went into this movie with the preconceived notion, that the defining quote would be "Here, hold my inhaler". However in my view, "I can barely handle my dub-step gun" succinctly characterizes both the spirit of the hard work and creativity involved, as well as the zeitgeist of yesterday. Vid made me smile. Happy 4th of July.
  2. 1 - Have patience: 2 - Don't put yourself in a position where you can get scammed 3 - If you don't feel like playing, then it's a good idea to not play
  3. Very well. This post clearly indicates some level of self-awareness, kudos for that. Now could you please use some of that self-awareness in-game and acknowledge, that the fact that you get killed on bronze district doesn't automatically mean the other person cheats?
  4. He's back and he's poopin' out threads like a bigfarger!
  5. Are you saying that 95% of everyone you ever played on bronze district got banned? You are the pinnacle of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Aaaannnd you got banned for cheating.
  6. I'm perfectly okay with those three specific tickets being added to the pile... waaaaay down near the bottom of the pile, next to the tickets of all the other people, who /report every single player they get killed by in-game.
  7. Now now... no need to get personal here, it's not like OP's forum avatar looks like a dog. ... wait.
  8. >Complain that Support is taking too long to answer tickets >Complain that LO is just like MoneysFirst, all they want is milk their customers >Comment that all LO use the ARMAS income for is office parties and industrial-size packs of Cheetos >Rub own nipples until falling asleep on the sofa.
  9. You got really excited and something went off a bit prematurely. Happens to the best of us, Matt. It’s okay, it really is. Just have a rest and get to your strength. This shouldn’t stop you from trying again, no pressure.
  10. Or.... many people here realize that LO and G1 are two different companies, and therefore they give LO a fair chance to live up to their promises, because the problems with APB aren't "lol-fix" problems solved within days or weeks. That's not blindness - that's common sense.
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