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Everything posted by AsgerLund

  1. 5 games vs teams of 4 means 20 playes - of which 1 is suspicious. That means 5% of players play suspiciously, so the percentage of certain cheaters (not just suspicious players) is significantly lower than that.
  2. Could you quantify the percentage you are talking about? 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 90?
  3. By growing up, and just playing the game. Sorry, dad. I’ll have a good time playing other games, then...
  4. Don’t you take away my teabagging privileges, boi. How else am I gonna celebrate a superior perc kill?
  5. let’s start some beef rn you boobalicious bigfarger Catfish me properly, and my beef will make us a succulent virtual surf and turf, monkeynuts. How about them update/blog post news, you like that fuzzy bunny?
  6. I’m on summer holiday drinking local rosé in the south of France, so I can’t keep up with all the shitposting before the off-rail threads are locked. Any beefs still open?
  7. I BM the shit out of myself every day after my morning coffee. I’ve got a 9.30am thing going, and it’s regular as fuck. Love my fiber supplement to bits.
  8. I don’t think I’ve ever had someone BM the shit outta me. Unless I’m thinking of the wrong BM.
  9. Remote Detonator and Percs appears to be in a pretty weak spot right now compared to the meta. Buff ‘em. Buff ‘em NAOW.
  10. DEAR NEW OBAMA *THANK YOU* Please make fondue bourguignonne great again!
  11. AsgerLund

    Sorry guys

    That makes me moist, but what drink? Ice - cold - tap - water.
  12. If it's randomly generated, why does it means so much to you? Here are a few others, in case you ever need a new one - percswalloweromg - hastaghashbrownlmao - iwatchpornwithmyparentsrofl - arewethereyetgodlol - spinthatfidgetyolo - gardeningmakesmycookiecrumbleikr
  13. By far the hottest of all Kuzma's mothers.
  14. AsgerLund

    Sorry guys

    Noooice. I had an omelette with ham, peperoni, mozzarella and bacon.
  15. Yes, that's indeed what you asked in your OP: However, your own conclusion later is this thread is that people with laser-aim cheat:
  16. That's idiotic comparison when it comes to APB, I'm playing for over six years in total, I know how the game works, I know how to play, it's not they're good, they just cheat. there are streamers whom cheating hard and doesn't even hiding it, all those kids with their cheats on shooting like lasers while I got recoil even tho I'm controlling it still remains the same. If you have already decided, that the problem is that people who are better than you with their NTECs cheat - why on earth do you come here to ask how you can fix your hardware? No FPS- and/or mouse-fixes will make you play like a cheater?
  17. DINGDINGDING, we have a full house, ladies and gentlemen!!! Time to celebrate...
  18. Not you no, you were actually helpfull this time. I have a shitpost-boosting reputation to maintain, you know.
  19. Did you just call me a non-post-boosting forum user???
  20. Yes, they're busy. Overall Support status can be seen here in the weekly updates:
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