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Everything posted by AsgerLund

  1. I feel like they care a lot about the players. However, since they do not have unlimited funds (that's an assumption from me, yes), they have limited resources in all functions, including employed GMs, coding/development, and Support. They're moving in the right direction, and I get that a lot of people feel like it isn't happening fast enough. But swamping Support with tickets isn't going to help Support getting through the tickets any faster - they have enough on their plate as it is.
  2. I’m a man, and I have the hand size to prove it.
  3. If you want to know shit about dumps, dumping, and/or dumplings - I’m your dood.
  4. You made your relationsship your personal project, and now that your personal project failed, you hover in a state of both blaming yourself and wanting your personal project to still succeed. In time you will appreciate that you got out of it. And if you stop looking at relationships as your own personal projects, you’ll also be able to get out of them sooner when they start going South on a one way street. Just a quick shallow observation based on your side of the story.
  5. We need someone to fix that... how about @Tobii? Maybe he can halp.
  6. So, either forum rep or Indian love? Tough choice...
  7. Good mileage, plenty of room for me and my kids, low taxes, cheap insurance. Boring daddy sensibility to an absolute tee.
  8. Just post a weekly thread, including a screenie of Steam Charts. It should also include rather aggressive statements including, but not limited to; You don't know what you're doing LO, you know nothing about TPS games!! Revert EVERYTHING, game is unplayable!! G1 knew more about this game Please remember also to: Ignore the vastly improved communication Ignore that actual changes are actually happening in the actual game!! Ignore the transparency from LO Refuse to participate in weapon/mod testing, both on OTW or on the Live Servers. Also remember to refuse to provide qualified, sensible, and balanced feedback Finally, if someone offers an opinion on your threads, which does not perfectly align with your own view - attack them personally. Every single one of them.
  9. #sendtracertstotobii @Tobii
  10. @BXNNXD @NotZombieBiscuit @Nanometic @JohnNighthawk @AsgerLund
  11. AsgerLund

    hybrid cars

    The empire runs on dead people juice.
  12. I'm sure the San Paro Chronicle has more pressing matters to write about... like the scores and scores of killings every day? ;)
  13. My mum says I'm a nice person.
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