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Everything posted by AsgerLund

  1. Okay, that’s cool. So, maybe I’ll see you in-game soon. Maybe we can like group up or something. I mean, if you want to. I totally understand if you’re busy or grouped up with someone else.
  2. Okay, try to log out of the game and then back in. Next week you’ll be on TS, right? When your cold is better.
  3. Feelsbadman about your cold :’( ... you still need the 4x4 Vegas on your crim char?
  4. Busted... Okay, how about: I'm also silver - and I'm a upper quartile placental mammal.
  5. Honestly, life would be shitty without salt. Food would suck, forums would suck, the chemical industry would be fooked. Salt is good. Salt is... errrm... the salt of the earth.. Litteraly I hope LO somehow start performing more to your liking. Your posts feel kinda empty and bland without the hearts and kisses.
  6. I gave you a like, Tig. Not because of your post, but because it's good to see a little activity from you here on the forums.
  7. 43 minutes ago, Seadee said: sorry, i'm not as good as this lot, at least i am trying right? Classic WASP Fucking shit quote issues....
  8. Seriously Seadee, you need to up your shitposting. Put some effort into it.
  9. AsgerLund

    shaven porn

    Nectarines best flesh based fruit. Don't get me started on flesh based vegetables... and shaving them.
  10. AsgerLund

    shaven porn

    What a provoking statement.
  11. EU is absolutely crucial. Here's hoping that the EU will work, and will be followed up by a steady flow of content release. Or else it will be nothing more than a band-aid fix to temp-boost the pop. Autodropped into silver district? Muddy and sometimes counter-intuitive gun-/mod stats/functionalities? Can't shoot through car windows? How to do objectives, pick-up/drop-off? Honestly, this game feels like a shit-fest for new, unassisted players.
  12. AsgerLund

    shaven porn

    You posted this without considering doughnut peaches... didn’t you?
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