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Everything posted by AsgerLund

  1. AsgerLund

    Furry porn

    Soooooo, next thread will be called ‘Jew porn’?
  2. yeah let's all start playing on a server filled with people who take everything so literal and to heart (if you're from eu then your forum title is fitting) Citadel is definitely not "filled" with people like that. Can't believe anyone would make such a prejudiced statement.
  3. As a casual player who is very comfortable with my plateau, my thoughts aren’t really provoked. This post is quite reasonable, and I know you can be much more provocative. However, the sun is shining today, so I’ll give you a C-.
  4. AsgerLund

    im gay

    As long as you’re happy, your life choices are fine with us, sugar plum sweetie-pie.
  5. The NTEC is fine where it is right now.
  6. Imagine what happens if you register your WinRAR.
  7. ur mum's pee is stored in my... balls.. no, wait. my balls are stored in your mum's pee? Your mum peed in my ball store!
  8. Using the urinals bare foot is the shizzle.
  9. I think it'll be as thinly stretched as the LO development team.
  10. TROUBLE TART!!!! ^That's Lixil without make-up, btw^
  11. What??? Off course not, that's disgusting!!! ...I only use them to wipe.
  12. As previously mentioned, I poo like a damn clockwork because of my daily fiber supplement. When the clock strikes 9.30AM, my daily march towards the crapper begins. However, that is right smack in office hours, so I often wonder... ...if I take a really smelly poo, can my close office colleagues smell the poo stench in my clothes when I return? And they're just too polite to say anything?
  13. Here's a relaxing gif to make you settle down and find inner peace.
  14. do you poop then shower or shower then poop? If I poop right after I shower, the TP will stick to my warm, moist buttocks when I wipe.
  15. I never said anything about stroking a banana in a closet. Sorry, but you're either bad at reading or that's the first thing the came into your mind and you accidentally went with it. I'm 99% sure it was a witty remark. But I understand the confusion, as he normally stays miles away from witty.
  16. My iPhone costs as much as an Allied Brass Retro Dot Collection Towel Ring Collection.
  17. First time i ever agree with you fatso. I’ll report this personal attack to the European Consumer Protection Board. In 10 days.
  18. I would only poop once a year, and I would do it at your place.
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