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Everything posted by AsgerLund

  1. According to APB Watcher, online pop 38 mins ago was 580. According to Steam Charts, online pop 38 mins ago was 520. So yeah, 90% - if we assume APB Watcher is a reliable source for the full pop count.
  2. I was hoping the story would end with you beating him with a set of jumper cables.
  3. I disagree with you. And just to save you the trouble, I am actually quite bad, I'm Silver, and I don't play. I actually agree with you then...
  4. Stop violating my forum safe space with your endless provocations!!!
  5. Wait, who’s driving now?
  6. Don’t make me come back there!!
  7. As long as you livestream the server shutdown - Matrix Online style.
  8. Imagine the Steam chart bump from all the players who left specifically because of the IR3 changes!!!!
  9. Halloween event will save this game!!! No premium!
  10. These past few months, he’s been pretty busy celebrating his birthday. This coming weekend as well.
  11. 1 - I don’t drink energy drinks... unless mixed with vodka. 2 - I heard she puts out.
  12. So you’re saying I’m not a shareholder of my local 7-Eleven?
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