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Everything posted by AsgerLund

  1. With an average accuracy rate of at least 89%. I am the 11 or less %.
  2. Yes. We should all look up to G1 and their superior ability to run a succesful business. G1 is to software what Bill Gates is to... errrm... well, different software.
  3. Great stats if you're a quarterback. Not so great if you're an air traffic controller...
  4. If you’re sending out wine, hit me up nice lady.
  5. This is regular run-off-the-mill whoring. Not your fancy post count whoring.
  6. You haven't been chosen. Now please leave the produce section.
  7. I've got no opinions on shotties per se, but this slandering of memes???
  8. Stop with the inane name and shame shaming, lamer.
  9. Yeah, @TheHidden-Tember. How dare you enjoy this team-based event in this team-based game with friends. Alone the fact that you have friends irritates me.
  10. Good sir, I'll have you know my death theme is the opening theme from Airwolf!!!
  11. Never ever trust anything written in /d chat regarding official rules/TOS issues. Not even from GMs. Sad, but true.
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