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Everything posted by AsgerLund

  1. You’re right! They should have a tester called Soda!
  2. I’m a casual perma-silver and I get quite a bit of hackusations. Probably because I do not cheat?
  3. It’s a commendable position, considering you’re potentially subjecting yourselves to bigboy internet smacktalk for doing volunteer work. But it’s also another move towards keeping the clean slate clean, the fresh start fresh, and the ghost of APB past in the past.
  4. In a community as harmonious and constructive as ours, I don't see the big issue. However, in a game with a more toxic environment, any publicly named player participating in an official volunteer team like this should expect to be called out on every single tiny bug or any company decision, by attention seeking, self centered, mouth breathing, knuckle dragging players/posters without a smidgeon of common sense. So having a public list of volunteers in a game with THAT kind of community could be an issue.
  5. As a 100% self-appointed figure of authority on this forum (obey the sig), I'd say that you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy in this game. I know some of the names on the list here from the forum, and during the past 3 minutes I have judged their personalities harshly and with loads of shallow prejudice. My conclusion is very clear, they will have a positive effect on released content/features. Happy birthday @SKay
  6. Stop hogging someone else's thread for this. Make your own goodbye thread, and leave the forum with a final warning!
  7. AsgerLund

    back itch

    I put a tenner on cervix in the office pool.
  8. It's a typical false flag attack by enslaved sheeple... a sherson? Sherpson? ...anyways!! He is being lied to, and he should do his own research and seek the truth.
  9. I have an urge to bring other toes to the table, but I’m afraid that the mods will get a hump or two.
  10. Regarding point two, we should have a vote for the options: "Snowballs made from the frozen tears of the Twitter ban feed lovers" "Snowballs made from the frozen tears of the pre-nerf HVR crutchers" "Snowballs made from the frozen tears of the pre-fix Yukon lovers" "Snowballs made from the frozen tears of LO Support staff after the mass reversal of all FF bans" "Snowballs made from the frozen tears of people who love prunes" "Snowballs made from the frozen tears of Italian chefs being forced to make pizza with pineapple" "Snowballs made from the frozen beard-snot of Matt Scott" "Snowballs made from the frozen tears of LO developers after the IR implementation and reversal" "Snowballs made from the frozen tears of LO developers after "insert LO event"" And finallyyyyy "Snowballs made from the frozen tears of anyone at LO, when they realized what they actually bought from G1"
  11. Hey, I know this guy in Off-Topic, who might be your thing. You two soy-boys could snuggle it out 1-on-1 in the ring.
  12. I decided to patronize you, because your behaviour deserves nothing else. Is that clear? (That is a proper yes or no question, by the way).
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