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Everything posted by AsgerLund

  1. She’s asking ‘who’s asking?’. What do I say to her?
  2. Try to give an example of what made people leave, that LO is ignoring or refusing to change.
  3. Sometimes I have to stretch after I poop.
  4. This thread is littered with people trying to cover up their colonial inferiority complexes.
  5. I’m assembling my faux legal team as I’m typing this. However, to assert dominance, I’m going to repost these: Nice try though, @MattScott
  6. I haven't spent a dime on this game for about 3 years. The reason isn't the prices, which I agree are on the high side though. The reason is the state of the game, no real content, server performance, client performance, anti-cheat performance, management and treatment of community, bad communication etc. I know some of this has changed under LO, but still not enough for me to spend any money on the game. So the ARMAS price level isn't the main motivator for my purchasing behaviour.
  7. When you can change your character hair-style in Social without having to worry about re-supplying ammo during your next mission!
  8. AsgerLund


    This isn't Google, grandpa...
  9. I don't know if something's wrong on your end. The dynamic lighting in the screenie is literally lit.
  10. AsgerLund


    What fruit is the brown in chocolate milk.
  11. You had me at ‘other people’s poop’.
  12. AsgerLund


    Meaty beaty? What a treaty.
  13. We all know that this will result in several rose-tinted "bring back FF and ban broadcasts". Potentially followed by "Ehrmahgerd, I still dream of RTW shaders, matchmaking is poopie now, bring back old threat system, please give us high/low/whatever TTK back". To OP, a falsely banned account being unbanned after only a week of waiting is quite impressive. Good for you and kudos to Support. ...aaaaand, buff percs and NFAS.
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