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Everything posted by AsgerLund

  1. Dislikes mean that people disagree. Either with the points made, the way said points are expressed, or both. OP mentioned him-/herself, that community polls should be a decision making tool. And the early poll results are:
  2. So your only real point is that the shotgun changes are bad? I don’t disagree that the shotgun changes was a messy process and current state is less than desireable. But despite all the retorical doomsday bravado, you come across as nothing more than a salty shottie main. And I don’t even know if you main shotties - that’s just how you come across.
  3. *Types a hill of poop "You gotta chill and think twice. Just an advice, man" *Doesn't type hill of poop "Getting into SPCT changed you, man!!" This in a thread about a GM acting professionally after players gave him shit in-game. This community is AWESOME!
  4. Authentic Neapolitan pizzeria Manufacturer of Composition B Photo Studio specializing in semi-erotic photography and video of hairy manly men
  5. FYI Cooks, I want my instant replays in slow mo... Like this:
  6. There are three suggestion I will always like and support - no matter how often they are suggested on the forums: Bring back the old login theme Buff percs Universal (literally) ban on pineapple on pizza My name is AsgerLund, and I support this message!!
  7. Did you sacrifice a bag of Doritos to the HDD spirit of Blanik Gneiss?
  8. Salty from not being on the guest list, I reckon.
  9. *slaps roof of APB account* this bad boy can fit so much salt in it
  10. Uganda be kidding me... who could have expected OP to have comprehension issues.
  11. I fail to see how this will enable me to make my in-game symbol a jiggly-gif of my manbewbs to display 24-7 in Social ultimately saving this game.
  12. I just want a skin+nipple skin for my percs.
  13. We need to go deeper into who ‘we’ are... I’d hate for my bewbs to become totally non-exclusive.
  14. This is why we can’t have nice things.
  15. AsgerLund


    I thought both alien and big foot were integrated parts of soyboy American?
  16. Is that a low-key Indiana Jones diss? pleb
  17. AsgerLund


    oh, and i don’t speak American on this forum - only English. Hope that’s okay, old chap.
  18. Don’t put sugar in coffee you uncultured heathen.
  19. Play stupid games - win stupid prizes. In this case a GM did took reasonable action and removed OP from the vehicle, now OP wants a discussion about the ‘bigger picture’. There is no bigger picture. Stop being an attention seeking idiot in game and stop the idiotic attention seeking defence of his idiotic attention seeking behaviour.
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