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Everything posted by AsgerLund

  1. EU 3.5 is THE GTA killer, and some people just don't want to admit it. Unreal. 64 bit is by definition twice as high as 32 bit, so I'll be running dual-wield N-SSW pretty soon.
  2. Wait, did you just question the selection of an SPCT after said SPCT member criticized the company selcting him for SPCT by posting a sarcastic comment about there not being enough active GMs in-game and thus not enough actions taken against griefers (and blatant hackers too, btw)? To answer your question, selection for SPCT is probably based on in-game activity, willingness to test, and quality of test feedback. Forum has fuck-all to do with it, and is to be considered as a stand-alone game/activity.
  3. Vomo-h0mo party extraordinaire.
  4. It's called a great fucking night out!
  5. fuzzy bunny fuzzy bunny? I AM BEING OPPRESSED!!!!
  6. No worries, I’ll just have extra garlic on my pizza tonight.
  7. We all lose 5 IQ points each time you visit this forum.
  8. You were having fun in APB before the servers went poop? I a little surprised, I got the impression from all your other threads, that you don't get any enjoyment at all from playing APB... Sounds like you are stuck and not willing to change, tbh.
  9. You're going down the right rabbit hole, homes.
  10. How come you’re posting here if you’re so busy eating ribs? Your fingers should be so greasy and sticky, that typing on a keyboard/phone would be impossible!!
  11. You’ve been de-balled by the matriarchy. 1v1 me IRL, soyboy.
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