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Everything posted by AsgerLund

  1. Just make a new district for the Christmas event.
  2. I didn’t read the text, but I’m for your idea. Simply because you put more effort into this one post, than I have put into all my forum post put together. Both forums.
  3. You worked out how to make tags, tho.
  4. You sound like you are being ruled by the matriarchy, soyboy.
  5. Interesting. Canada is the poutine capital of the world.
  6. Yer a watermelon, Harry. Not a pumpkin.
  7. Guess Spring will be the time where I get my coal shoveling shovel dusted off for building up steam for ye ole hypetrain...
  8. I can't wait to do 360-no-scope-bigcreamer-headshot.
  9. I wouldn't even wait for my elderly mum in an emergency aircraft evacuation.
  10. You don't want a taste of the WTF soup or the jagermeistergrape?
  11. Low rank players on motorbikes should not be matched with golds. Period.
  12. Ur da bezt school guidance counselor EVER, Mr. Lin!
  13. Okay okay. So the exclusive items turned non-exclusive are now a lock that can be open by any key. And the people with formerly exclusive items are now on all fours, while LO is behind with the master key, handing out roses from a limited bunch?
  14. So the analogy is exclusive dating/items versus nice lady dating/items?
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