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Everything posted by AsgerLund

  1. You can hand in your application in the next hiring round.
  2. A deliberate decision - that I still stand by.
  3. I drink oo tang. More commonly known as wu tang. In fact, all in my clan are drinking it - it's kinda our dang thang. Our own dang wu tang clan thang.... mang.
  4. And they use public transportation to get there.... I hope.
  5. Those damn soyboys and their soytoys.
  6. Are you trying to square off with me, silent dawg?
  7. Is that a set of jumper cables in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
  8. AsgerLund


    Good luck with recruiting on this English language forum!!!
  9. We disagree on what "everyday situations" are, which is fair enough. We also handle such situations differently, which is also fair enough... according to us feminized, soy boys, white cucks, that is. But not according to you. And don't 1v1 me in irl
  10. The fact that something is a possibility that actually occurs doesn't make it an everyday situation. What is one expected to do in the given scenario? My personal reaction would be to make sure I'm safe at all time. So a physical confrontation would be highly unlikely, no need to risk getting shot to death because of of an umbrella and a tri-pod. However, OP didn't realize it was a thief before the thief sped off, so OP didn't get a chance to act with a "thief", he just interacted with what he thought was a guy looking for a parking space.
  11. Walking in on a dude while he's breaking into your car is an everyday situation for you? Or are you talking about peeing in public bathrooms?
  12. Having solid yapper-skills and being surprisingly fast for my size are big reasons why I haven't been in a fight for the past 20-some years.
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