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Everything posted by AsgerLund

  1. This is just straight up stalking. From both of you.... and from me.
  2. Here's a few reasons for GM presence, other than to look out for cheaters: Look out for griefers Look out for abusive chatters Look out for glitch abusers Look out for intentional dethreaters All of which could potentially be handled through Support if sufficient evidence is provided, but would be even better handled through a combination of Support and in-game GM presence.
  3. If moderators were enough, we wouldn't need sorrys.
  4. AsgerLund

    Ok hi

    Guys, try to act normal in front of the new student.
  5. Kind of? You can almost feel the grey matter oozing from that post.
  6. First off, I really appreciate that message from the GM. It's lighthearted and tongue-in-cheek-ish. However, let's hope this is another learning experience for LO. Asking players not to win (in an event where the objective is to win) is... objectionable. So the event/reward design could definitely be better. On the other hand, let's hope they stay away from catering to the lowest common denominator - like people who refer to winning repeatedly (in an event where the objective is to win) as "griefing".
  7. If his brain is leaking, the hole should be plugged immediately!
  8. Link to the top 10 list, homes. It better not be a Buzzfeed article.
  9. You don't want to know the which substance is in his sock.
  10. AsgerLund

    bep bep

    Man, that was one crazy New Years party in Hanoi!
  11. For now, I'm quite satisfied with oral recognition.
  12. I personally prefer delusional long posts over constitutional rights delusion. So in my opinion, this thread is in a better place now than when it started.
  13. Nice try, Little Orbutt. Taking on the APB community...
  14. AsgerLund


    Get off my back, you're not my employster!! Stop flexing your mussels, you clammy creep.
  15. A warning to fair or new mods.
  16. Someone acting like a jerk in an MMO?
  17. Crap, dude - my bad. No female titties!
  18. Exactly. With completely new vehicles and completely new guns. And horses and helicopters. No titties.
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