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Everything posted by _chain

  1. Someone said that hitting the fps cap makes you slide around on surfaces while standing still, didn't mention other effects caused by hitting the cap. If this is related to the fps cap you could try playing at lower fps (120, maybe even 60 since you really don't need double the fps to play this game even if it looks like arse at 60)
  2. i thought salt did the opposite, enhancing flavor, not balancing things
  3. or add more coffee to dillude the sugar, you'll end up with less sugar mg/mL of coffee. otherwise you'll end up oversaturating the dissolution
  4. bro SMH im just tryna park my damn ride in front of this parking lot's exit SMH
  5. Disciplinary issues lmfao papa matt gon give them the spanking they deserve
  6. About EarthGang - UP... I like the energetic vibe of the song, it's sort of a 7-8/10, but whenever i see something related to colorsxstudios i avoid clicking. seems they always manage to get the lamest songs paired with the laziest videos. Though i particularily like how they advertise themselves in the most unoriginal way possible. but enough shitposting about these guys I much more appreciate when artists take time to speak to an actual (lmao) video producer and make a videoclip that way, where the image might compliment the meaning of the song in a significant way, or straight out add a completely different meaning to it. For example: or About Jean Claude Gavri - Love Trip, eh... 5/10 maybe, not my style.
  7. 28/2, considering: H1 as early february, stretching from the 1st to the 14th of february. H2 being late february, from the 14th to the 28th. Meaning: we've still 2 days til the end of early february. so just wait, i guess. No, no mid febs cause decimals are lame as fuck, fractions woulda bought my attention. and i don't see our guys at LO releasing anything on the first third of the ninth day of the second month, thats silly.
  8. if you guys have any way of re-gaining faith please let me know. meanwhile i'll focus on perfecting my über yeet stance, see if i get it down during the next few days. my main problem right now is my victims are not fully yeeted so they tend to not travel long distantes and dont usually land in bushes
  9. So, got any suggestions? You already know that I'm all about aggresive measures. My logic behind this is that it doesn't matter that 20 innocent players get cuck'd if another 100 trolls get what they ask for. Plus you can't really go wrong with weapon and vehicle locking, so that would be a pretty safe start, awarding short locks after 3-4 tks (but if you get more than TKs per match you're probably not even trying to avoid those) Though, aggresuve measures would actually work if we had a giant playerbase and people to spare, but it's not the case nor it won't be for a good while. But we can't just give small warnings, a tap on the shoulder and a mean look either. That seriously does nothing. And, no, i don't want to spoonfeed anyone here. Why do you tk in a premade though? Just curious. A quick solution while also having aggresive measures would be only activating those in non-premade groups. TKs in premades wouldn't trigger the bot, simple as that. Also keeping a record on heavy de-threating or previous TKs and reports would help. This still isn't spoonfeeding.
  10. So just leave it as-is would be your genius solution? There's still going to be another rough half of the population having to deal with tking. Yeah, just leave that half completely unattended. Hear me out, it might sound crazy, but: actually trying to make changes for the better MIGHT move the game forward a tiny step. Not sure though, we'll have to try. Now about 'accidental' tk: need trigger discipline? Play cs. You'll learn the hard way.
  11. About time it is. Easier solution: block team damage. Now point out the downsides to that also
  12. http://wiki.planetside-universe.com/ps/Grief TL;DR it fucking doesn't (shh! don't tell anybody, but that's why it works 95% of the times) (the other 5% are innocent, bright souls hopping onto the forums to spill out their feelings) But truly you need half a brain to manage to land shots on allies on a completely open field. Or really shitty luck throwing explosives. In APB it should use kills and collect player data for a while (more teamkills on an account history = way faster weapon+vehicle lock / k block), that is because APB lacks open areas and missions are on a tiny scale compared to Planetside, one soldier less means nothing in that game if there's another 59 in the team. AND it should be implemented silently (ergo, not stated on patch notes) so we can laugh at people getting weapon locked and coming to the forums to complain. Pretty please.
  13. Man some perma chat mutes and turning off weapon damage/vehicle acceleration (or both!) would do WONDERS. A bunch of games do this and for some reason it just works. Planetside cucks you hard if you decide to go rambo at your teammates, the system gifts weapon locks for short periods of time that quickly increase, turning into a normal ban after a bunch of weapon locks. I had a few months of... moderating chat in a minecraft server (as funny as that may sound). Dropping temp mutes on toxic players was well received by the server. Some of my victims even started to behave! (at least the hour I was daily logged in) We'll just have to wait and see what they want to do with the toxicity. but that first paragraph should be taken into serious consideration my dudes @MattScott
  14. Thats fucking cleeeeean. Nice LoL launcher vibe to it.
  15. Honestly i'd take new additions to the low-mid tier selection of vehicles. Especially the mid tier.
  16. I'm even a little surprised to see that no one has suggested a housing/apartment system yet. What is wrong with you guys. at least someone said helicopters, phew...
  17. And what will you do after you stun them? Arrest them? You will arrest cops?
  18. _chain


    Just finish off the weekly memester ultramoist cheek-clapper boogaloo thread already and let's start over with the next one, we'll get it right
  19. there's already enough, but i'd like to hear what you suggest. maybe there's a weapon type we're missing.
  20. Nah. His laptop will literally shred the game.
  21. You're good with anything over maxwell and gen 2 intel processors, these have enough single core perf for this game. I recall seeing people talking about having a 1060 or 1070ti and hitting the hard-coded fps cap. With an rtx you'll have no problem.
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