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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Doesn't matter. Merged. But there is a matchmaker though.
  2. If you don't have your UI set to 1 the crosshair will be smaller than the actual accuracy of the gun.
  3. What. No. I play at 200ms and Oscar runs fine for me.
  4. Maybe one day I'll get the APB of my dreams with high accuracy/high recoil/highly mobile gameplay. At least I can still dream.
  5. Nice suggestion. And cause it didn't need a nerf in the first place.
  6. I haven't cared about money or xp since about 2014? But I also care more about not being silver. So.
  7. Me buy 3090 this week. Still gonna play APB at Nintendo 64 settings. Nice.
  8. Just give both teams a VIP. There fixed.
  9. People still thinking that either good or bad management would do anything to improve or destroy numbers. Na. Way more simple than that. It's an 11 year old game. Game's die with time. Give it up.
  10. The old threat system didn't have anything to strive for either though. Oh wow a popup when you join a server. Okay...... Merged. Except that the simplified version is: Score upper 50% go up, score lower 50% go down.
  11. Yeah. I shitpost. not troll. I just got back from my 7 day vacation. Now I'm mod approval posting for like 21 days. Feels bad man.
  12. I dunno. Maybe which side NA players wanna play on should get priority, thus leaving it to the community.
  13. It's an arena/arcade shooter.
  14. NotZombieBiscuit

    Dirt bikes.

    We already went over bikes a thousand times why no. Also add choppers and tanks and zombies and planes
  15. NotZombieBiscuit


    Na. We gotta slow down the game to a snails pace.
  16. Energizer already got rolled in to being the default value. You have it on currently.
  17. Even less of a reason to ever react. Merged. Or letting people know that they think wrong and shame them.
  18. They can't ban for it if they wanted to anyway.
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