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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Mmm yes. Adding more things that increase the gap between experienced an new players performance that also completely side steps the main gameplay outfitting mechanic of APB being mods with positives and negatives.
  2. That is if it even works like that behind the scenes. Never know what spaghetti code might be back there in that section.
  3. Oh sorry. I'll save that suggestion for the GREAT THINGS thread.
  4. Have you tried upgrading your PS4?
  5. People still thinking that most used or meta = OP.
  6. I feel sorry to people that lose to this and actually think it is any good other than for the lols.
  7. This won't ever stop active griefers. If you want to join a griefer and get around that just join a mission, don't play it, then go grief. Now you get to ruin the experience of double the people.
  8. Or you know...... whoever has the better skill. Weapon 'rock,paper,scisor' should only do so much to give an advantage.
  9. No. APB is balanced on purpose around a single primary/secondary.
  10. How do I keep winning without switching then.
  11. LIVE. If you say otherwise you are seriously delusional.
  12. You know people that actually grief aren't in a mission right so the HP doesn't matter? And people that accidentally grief when in a mission just get random HP change for no reason, or others too.
  13. I'd say it is even less than that. I can't remember the last time I have had a proper griefer that has done anything more than a little single one off event. Most issues are just little chaotic accidental moments, which sure are detrimental in a way, but are part of what makes the fun and experience of the open world. Griefing is hardly a problem anymore. It was defs a way bigger problem early on in like 2013 and a lot of missions ghosting too.
  14. This is just part of the game and I think it adds more to it. If you're getting killed that way you're likely to get killed by someone just holding the cover/corner anyway so it is something you should be playing around regardless of if there was a crouch change.
  15. I'll take the rare occurrence of out of mission fuckups for the far larger positive of having everyone all together in a single 'lobby' interacting with eachother.
  16. Because it is that fucking good and is the pinnacle of everything APB is. It is the perfect way to sum up the world, setting, characters, attitude, artistic style. EVERYTHING in a single way. But obviously yeah it's just a login screen.
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