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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Getting relentlessly beaten improves your skills faster.
  2. It's not population. It's district size.
  3. A lot of the time it is actually better to call backup so that the other team can then call backup when you are against players you easily out match. Gives the matchmaker a second chance to boost things up. Plus in larger games, good players have less of an impact. Also babying players will slow down their progression of skill and grasp at mechanics.
  4. Pioneer is straight up better than Espacio. The kits are pretty subjective though. For the most part I prefer many of the crim ones.
  5. That's not where the conversation of competitive started at all.
  6. Pretty sure it's packed if I remember right? So you'll have to unpack the file then repack it?
  7. The game by itself is intrinsically competitive because of the mechanics, design, set up. It does not need a 'competitive' mode for that.
  8. TKO was confirmed to have the highest amount of kills on NA server with getting close to 1 million.
  9. "APB isn't competitive." Built from the ground up to be an online pvp game. ??????????????????????????
  10. So what about those people that are legit between silver/gold and get to be thrown between district every second game.
  11. It's really not. For the majority of top players we just sit in voice chat talking about stupid shit. The hand and eyes just work on autopilot without thought. The only time top players pro-actively play is when vsing against other top players in full squads of 4 and they wanna boost their ego. EDIT: If you have to think about your aim consciously. Your aim probably isn't good. The only time you should consciously be thinking about your aim is to improve a certain point of it or fix a bad habit.
  12. It has a different stock and barrel.
  13. What does this bring that the NSSW does not do already?
  14. I didn't downvote. I almost never vote on any post on this forum. Yes. Faction identity is a muddy mess. It's why I want most of it reverted or at the very least not ruined more. But I know that's not gonna happen.
  15. Can we stop trying to ruin faction identity even more than it already has been.
  16. A lot of the people you are calling sweaty tryhards is just normal gameplay for them. That's just a casual day for someone at the higher skill bracket. They are not going to play like actual sweaty tryhards unless they go against someone else in the same bracket and they dislike. If anything, the majority of those people in the higher skill bracket that have been around for years play like idiots on purpose. Just enjoying the game. But the skill level has become so ingrained in muscle memory that it can be done with little thought.
  17. How are yall unable to run apb properly. Even my old I7 950 and HD 5850 ran the game without issues.
  18. NotZombieBiscuit


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