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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. It was some stats from back in 2014. Think it only counted 2014 kills.
  2. NotZombieBiscuit


    Using a PMG or an ATAC doesn't make you a try hard.
  3. I'd rather see it get a higher bloom per shot but keep the range. So if you want to hit at range you'll have to control it more. Or extra recoil would be better.
  4. Not an exploit. Especially because it was left in on purpose.
  5. Did you know that 13 percent of apb's population has 52 percent of the total kills? Pretty crazy. Shows how active some people are.
  6. Why do you care? You don't play anymore. will.io is a better show of pop anyway.
  7. Jokes on you. I'm gonna remake it and undercut you.
  8. Can still hear the full thing when you inspect someone.
  9. Global Agenda 2 was in the works. Eventually over time it got turned in to Paladins. Source: Hirez Todd saying it directly to my face and showing early alpha footage of GA2. He also went on about how Tribes was earning them nothing and Smite was keeping the Tribes servers up.
  10. Themes are straight up pay to win though. If you have a good theme you want it to be heard and therefore play better. Having a good theme directly correlates to playing better.
  11. Windows has the ability to update? o.O
  12. Why? That person has just as much right to the name.
  13. No. EU stands for European Union. They are trying to push to be the new world power.
  14. I miss the old objective missions in baylame. Especially the one with a billion medium items that each team would have to bring back to base. The real issue here though is that it is just not a good map. It was not designed for fight club from the ground up.
  15. Manners wise yeah it is nice to return them. But in reality there is nothing to make them.
  16. As in push for the engine update to be the priority focus and eventually release it.
  17. Playing anything from Hi-rez after what they did to Global Agenda, Tribes, and Global Agenda 2. HAH.
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