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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Then maybe your computer is not good enough to run 144.
  2. Are you on the good boy or naughty boy list though?
  3. Macros really don't provide any advantage. It is VERY easy to get the right tapping speed for max out semi-auto weapons. And changing gameplay for legit players to be more boring? No thanks.
  4. As long as you don't actually get rid of missions. Shrug.
  5. To try and make people do 'alternative' gameplay to what they normally do.
  6. Would be nice if they added another one. We havn't had one for yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars.
  7. And ping. If someone has 900 ping, everyone should be forced on to 900 ping. It is only fair.
  8. Stop holding on to the dream. Just give it up already.
  9. What is with this sort of 'flavor of the month/year' thing where everyone thinks they have to stream or want to stream?
  10. Ah yes. Force people to play a beta. Good idea.
  11. You could nerf the N-tec in to the ground and it will still be the 'best' in the majority of context.
  12. How can a community be toxic if there is no community left.
  13. I'm pretty sure they just forced everyone in general, not for any particular breach.
  14. Nope. They seem pretty adamant in keeping the HEAVY downgrade on aesthetics. Sure, graphically it is a bit better. But really it is one step forward, two steps back.
  15. I thought we were cancelling thanksgiving and black friday this year?
  16. Ya'll don't have every missions memorized by now?
  17. Still not realising the game dies with the engine update.
  18. Sorry. I am back from my month long mandatory vaction.
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