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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. I think there are far larger issues with JMBs than visual opening changes. Also I dislike the subtle psychological effects that this can have on consumers.
  2. You shouldn't even have google connected to things. If possible all your accounts should be separate entities.
  3. Steam linking is less secure. The less cross account connections between your websites/game accounts/platforms the better.
  4. Why you lying. Pretty sure you were in district like 2 weeks ago.
  5. With how volatile crypto is right now, as a medium to large business, I would not be accepting it. Smaller, sure.
  6. I've met a few nerds from APB over the years. Regret all of them. Except @USPStyle, was nice to hang out with USPstyle years ago. We went to an internet cafe a few days in a row, late night Dennies, etc
  7. I read this as unblock Jericho and was very confused for a moment.
  8. Or that if you didn't get accepted by now it is probably a no.
  9. Just look at youtube for 15minutes. He gave you a valuable break.
  10. YEP. im definitely a silver for calling out cyborgs shooting their ntecs with 0 vertical recoil on stream Sorry. I gotta do it. It's my job.
  11. Sorry I am late. Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile.
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