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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. I would argue against this as it is meant to feel like there is a difference between general civilian vehicles and performance player vehicles to show the power discrepancy between the two. It subtly makes the player feel more powerful than any random walking NPC.
  2. You all realise adding another colour to threat does not actually change the underlying hidden ELO/MMR rating right? It just shows another graphical bracket to display to the player.
  3. Game already struggled 9 years ago. What's new. Also the game held up pretty decently looks wise due to nice and unique aesthetics despite the graphics not holding up. Also Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile.
  4. It is just a bug. Stop overthinking stuff. The clan name has likely bugged out and been reset to its Hex Name.
  5. Wouldn't back to school mean all the kids don't have time to play and buy APB stuff during a back to school sale?
  6. That was some really low quality bait. Maybe try harder next time.
  7. Sigh Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile.
  8. It is just a bug or something right now that has screwed with legitimate clan names. A few people have complained about it such as the APB Brasil clan on jericho. And you are overthinking it completely and clouding your judgment with the thought of cheats.
  9. APB isn't really an open world game. It is just a third person arena shooter where everyone's games just happen to take place in the same lobby.
  10. Okay. What purpose does it serve that the Cisco, Bishada, Jericho, or Growl does not serve?
  11. What purpose would this vehicle serve that the cisco does not?
  12. A horrible one. At least I am not a weeb or a furry I guess.
  13. Really not my style/10 . Reminds me too much of Imagine Dragons and all of their songs already sound the exact same.
  14. You are going up against people with thousands of hours. What did you expect.
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