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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. You have to unlock the tradeable Vegas through contacts as you rank up.
  2. I would rather see dynamic missions that adjust sides/objectives/stages depending on the outcome of previous stages. Though this would require an entire redo over the mission system completely and likely would never happen.
  3. I can't remember the one I used off the top of my head and I am not at home, sorry. There are quite a few though that are easily found on google.
  4. We still have the old threat system, it just does not display the numbers.
  5. The way that I copy my characters exactly one to one is take a picture of every single slider. Then use a program to have those pictures displayed on top of the screen at 50% opacity so you can line up everything perfectly.
  6. Na you just missed your shots. Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.
  7. Nope, now its only BRONZE, SILVER, GOLD... before was 10types of different gold silver etc.. Nope. The matchmaker uses your true ELO/MMR that has been there for years. The old system just displayed your colour and numbers, and the new system shows just colour.
  8. Never thought I'd see the day that I actually agree with Tigrix.
  9. We still have the old threat system it is just displayed differently.
  10. Yes we can, it will only buff sales because many people are still just waiting for after-UE update Armas price changing This isn't EB Games.
  11. A change in aesthetics for the worse. Worse shaders/materials. A bunch of poles and other objects scattered around the place that makes it harder to drive. More breaks in the game geometry and out of world allowances. Etc.
  12. There is that one magical ladder in Financial at the school that you can climb while jumping. Would be nice if whatever that is, is applied to all the others.
  13. Do we really need an emote for every emotion.
  14. These don't even come close to helping the weapon. Sure they should probably be removed but it is not some huge PLEASE FIX thing.
  15. I forgot how nice the old forums was without polls until this new forum got spammed with trash polls every day.
  16. You just got a buff to the amount of G1 you buy and we had a huge sale like a month ago? We can't have this stuff every week.
  17. 300ish hours seems pretty fine to me for a F2P game.
  18. Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile.
  19. Yeah cause the in game economy is not already stupidly inflated as is.
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