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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Did this really need a new thread rather than just posting in one of the others?
  2. Game is still gonna die. This just extends its life a little bit.
  3. Why don't you host the event yourself?
  4. Good thing I don't even run IR3 on anything. Shrug.
  5. Tell me about your mother... She was born in Ireland, grew up in Belfast before coming to Australia with her sister and parents at a young age. Though the first time they came to Australia they did not stay, eventually returning to Ireland. Soon after though the came back to Australia and stayed. There she met my Father in high school. He was her first proper boyfriend and they eventually got married before having me. I seemed to have a pretty normal childhood. A back hand here or there. I got pretty good at knowing the sound of that belt. As I grew up my Father began to spend a lot more time with me, bonding and becoming much closer. At first I found it a little confronting and uncomfortable but over time it became almost a standard ritual, sometimes he would even invite his friends over for a drink and let me hang out with them past my bed time. I don't think my mother was completely happy with it though as my parents always fought. This went on in to my late teens until eventually my father had to leave unexpectedly and has yet to return. I do miss him, was a great father. At least my mother is still around though.
  6. BuT iT iS tHe LoWeSt TiEr AnD tHeRe ArE cHeAtErS eVeRyWhErE
  7. But it is meant to pull to the left by design. I think I'd prefer a trophy truck over those, even if they all are pretty out of place for San Paro urban combat.
  8. its a good start though Except for the part where it does not actually fix the issue with the HVR and is step one on what could be considered a slippery slope of changes in the wrong direction for gameplay that can add up over time.
  9. Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile.
  10. Well, because they're that expensive. I've seen it a few times with mainly scammers changing their names. Or people that just have a bad rep within the community. Or certain people buying accounts and renaming everything.
  11. Would you settle for a steady stream of views? Materialism is the enemy here Did you just ask if he wanted to be payed in exposure? The fuck?
  12. Why can't you screenshot normally instead of using your potato to capture the screen?
  13. Get in there, you can do it.
  14. 12$ for a name change is pretty average when compared to other games.
  15. Come back to this post in a few years when they have slowly creeped different minor mechanics in the game to the point where it eventually changes movement mechanics such as this so I can tell you I told you so. I would love for the HVR to get nerfed in to the ground, but this is not the way to do it.
  16. Why does no one ever ask "How is SupperFuzz?"
  17. I think he only dates inside his race.
  18. You should be checking them in social anyways.
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