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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. You don't make any sense.
  2. I don't even know how to reply to this.
  3. Stop. You're drawing attention to me.
  4. Bruh, could you fuckin not
  5. I finally see why Zombie is so fond of you. Na. @Tobii is the worst.
  6. Overlord and Savior? Pretty sure it is not TKO's birthday.
  7. Only if fixes to smoke performance happen would this be fine. And of course would have to block out turning the reticle red.
  8. But your math is wrong because some clothing pieces are obviously worth more than others. Such as when comparing arm braces to chest piece or helmet.
  9. Seems like this thread is cruisin for a lock too. Hmm.
  10. OOOF. I don't know whether to congratulate you on being right despite how terrible sounding it is. Though I guess it depends a lot on the person and oneself if this was viable.
  11. But what if I want to read those old logs from years ago?
  12. Dropping it to two just does not make them worth it to pick up. I would agree that dropping the damage a bit would be far better, enough so that two nades cannot kill someone (Unless fragile). So 450-490. Also I don't believe that yolos are broken in their current state and have noticed recently that the meta of nades shifted away from them a bit with frags/concs being seem more than previously.
  13. You opened yourself up emotionally instead of walling yourself and got hurt because of it. Silly.
  14. Yeah I sit at 500 of every consumable except for the one I use. Use until it hits like 100 left and then switch to another. Repeat.
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