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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Per shot modifier is how much it will bloom on that shot. Shot modifier cap is what point it will reach max bloom. Recovery Delay is how long after a shot it will start to lower bloom. And lastly is how fast the bloom recovery is.
  2. Maybe you should make a suggestion for it. Hmm. Also this could have been cut down way more and edited better regardless of the 'chill' aspect to it. Watching 7 minutes of extended clips with nothing happening isn't even that entertaining for what could be considered a more calm 'montage'. And fix your settings.
  3. Tell him to contact Support, and then reset his ticket. Please contact support so that they can reset your ticket and add it to the pile before you leave.
  4. Good. Now hopefully the rest of the world tags along and gets rid of these gambling practices or at the very least restricts them as such to force the hand of the gaming industry to look elsewhere for profit.
  5. I'm not sure if I reply with an add it to the pile or an ok bye?
  6. If APB is P2W I should have 200% win rate with how much I have spent.
  7. Reminder that they actually did this back to back. Twice in a row on the same corner. Also here are some of mine randomly: August 19th Hard slammed lil sons Broken beta mods Iiiiiiiiiiiii district crash Scout jump shotting People stacking Double car spawning Dump truck space missions Nudity ban Blue muzzle flash Truck carsurf explosion Vas C2 Hvr jumpshot accuracy after patch Low server fps to make physics fucked Old dumptruck No dumptruck limits No bounce collision with out of mission Duplicate inventory spawns when transferring cars Overkill servers Old camp spots One sided DM missions Espacio pull left Burst fire/resupply spam fire (RFP/Obir) Apb vendetta Apb phone game KingCrime makes montage to look legit, gets caught out Dbaby briice drunk stream briice movie nights scootnshoot streaming porn Chris willus streamer found in gay porn fucking frat bois Smexii catfish Tiggs account hacked Exilecard caught jacking on mic Fashion trends: galaxy, gucci, all black, all white, masks, LV, dinorawrs, furry hoodies, Sovereign pocket gm Sovereign boycott And much more.
  8. Quick question is that Vaccine vid real or fake. Or is it just people who think about conspiracies and the NWO who made that. Because I'm tired of seeing stuff like that. Like every conspiracy ALWAYS involve rich people. But there's no conspiracy theory on poor people. Like are poor people gonna be president? Anyway I don't like conspiracies. I hope Excalibur don't gett butthurt at me for getting mad at that vid he posted Only poor people would worry about this.
  9. .45 is in a perfect spot right now. It requires a higher amount of skill than other secondaries so that people who have mastered it can truley wield it without it becoming overly destructive to others. RFP on the other hand needs a kick down.
  10. Better to just go to an RP discord to be honest.
  11. Only for missions that make sense. Some are meant to be just common cars. Some are meant to be custom cars.
  12. Do you want to make a shield around our planet that prevents space travel and sattelities. Because that's how you get it.
  13. Didn't even realise this was stikll a thing. Thought that was stopped years ago.
  14. Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile.
  15. Non of my other suggestions is related to AI. Nice try. I never said that, read again.
  16. FFXI has a larger population currently, it came out over 15 years ago and still runs on a subscription-based service, it also aged way worse graphically and mechanically than APB has, "the game is old XD!" isn't an excuse for the game being dog shit and never will be. Now go compare the starting population of FF to the starting population of APB.
  17. You missed the point so much. I am using GTA as an example that shows AI isn't that demanding or hard to make. In the case of pedestrians suggested actions, that's implemented in GTA San Andreas, it's 2004 technology that even a PS2 can handle, so the point is how demanding it is to add the AI. Also improving AI =\= copying GTA. Except for the part where every single on of your suggestion threads trends towards this answer.
  18. Yeah, seems like you just want GTA. Just go play GTA.
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