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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. So what about those people that legit flip between gold/silver constantly. Are they just going to get kicked back and forth between districts?
  3. Probably the degradation of your local infrastructure.
  4. APB as an esport... hilarious. BlastinFools as commentator.
  5. Woosh. People assuming my post is about mechanical and imperial differences within the game environment when I was only talking about personal mindset and approach regardless of game.
  6. Told you nerds for months already. APB is a 9 year old game where even a miracle cannot save it. Its time has gone and past, LO was just a delay on the inevitable. Though as I have always said. It is quite impressive that APB has managed to hold a decent ratio of players for this long compared to how it started. Especially considering APB was never that big to begin with.
  7. why would I buy this pack over the Juggernaut? Oops. I got my packs confused. I forgot how trash the Revelations bundle is. Was thinking of the juggernaut pack. My bad.
  8. fuck shit are fine, but lets censor other words that are less than that. nice
  9. NotZombieBiscuit

    Furry porn

    What is worse? Clicking this thread. Or. Making this thread and thinking about people clicking on it.
  10. The pack is not even that much considering how much you get. Even better with the G1C changes.
  11. People buying premade ATACs instead of open 3 slot. LMAO The only excuse to this would be buying the premade ATACs years ago when they first came out before the open slot. Otherwise it is your own fault.
  12. "A game like this wouldn't be as good as it was if it wasn't for the opponent that was across from me. So, these games don't mean anything unless the other opponent is as good as you or better." - Rapha (Quake Pro) Over the years of APB, mainly these later years, there seems to be a mantra from players that wins should be handed to them. That playing those that are better than them, or even the same skill level, is not fair. A constant complaint that the game is too hard on players, especially those that are newer to the game. This is in my mind a disgusting mindset to have. It breeds no sense of progression, a lack of willingness to see personal faults, overcome obstacles, and all around improve. Such a mindset promotes being stagnant and disgruntled by your plateaued position with no reason to improve. I find it disturbing that such a need for hand holding has spread not just through APB but much of the gaming industry as a whole. Playing those that are better than you is the fastest way to improve, especially as a new player. A personal example to this is my minimal hours playing CS:GO. 95% of my short playtime was an entire day spent playing against Oceanic eSports teams. I won a single round in the entire day. ONE ROUND. However this was a huge learning experience for me and due to me being pushed in to such a position I learned the game at a hugely accelerated rate. Those hours were equal to weeks if I had learned the game through regular hand holding. Now most of you would probably say this is an elitist view to have. That it is bashing casual players and does not apply to them. However I would argue that this applies to everyone as when competition is allowed to breed in this way it is a benefit to all skill levels. I urge you all to think about instilling a more positive mindset when it comes to being pushed up against more unfavorable odds for it is at the benefit of your personal progression and enjoyment of the game as a whole. To add: APB is one of those games with such a high skill ceiling that I believe the best are still yet to scratch it. Looking back almost a decade ago it is crazy to see how far the top percent have come and I look forward to hopefully seeing that continue.
  13. That sounds like a good thing with how many developers struggle with 'Unreal Engine Syndrome'.
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