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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Don't forget Straya recently classified it as gambling too due to the same psychological factors.
  2. Mods delete my post telling him what he was banned for while his post asking about ban breaks the rules. Lmao You were banned for verbal harassment, continuous abuse, and toxicity. The soft doxxing and drama starting probably didn't help either. And I thought you were done anyway, so why do you care?
  3. It is a 9 year old game. What do you expect. APB never hit that high of a population and it is a miracle it has actually gone on this long.
  4. 'Fair'. While giving players additional damage even when missing and disregarding cover that opponents may use. Regardless of how effective or not effective they are, that doesn't seem very fair.
  5. Never feel any emotions at all, especially towards others.
  6. For those wanting midtown I am going to stop you. During the development of APB Midtown became Financial (map wise, not lore wise). All the design decisions and gameplay fundamentals in those play spaces are almost the exact same. Bringing in Midtown District provides no new gameplay space as it mimics Financial in its design. If a new district is to be, people should look elsewhere.
  7. Make it so premium gives you no wait time on trades.
  8. or an ogre without windup timer and name it 'cancer' or somethn similar So. An NFAS with extended mag?
  9. All the fight club maps are terrible if we are being honest. Mostly because they were never made from the ground up with fight club in mind.
  10. You shouldn't have your steam connected with APB if you care about your security in the first place.
  11. I am unable to read and derive simple answers.
  12. This sounds like some sort of scam to allow AI another foot in the door to their eventual singularity and destruction of the human race.
  13. ALIG AV is pretty crazy, the fuck you nerds talkin bout? It is even pretty decent at person killing. Euryale is a pretty nice all around LMG and in a great spot. SHAW is hilarious when set up in the right spots and allowed to cover area. LMGs are fine, just gotta play them in their roles.
  14. 9 year old game loses players. SHOCKING NEWS
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