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Everything posted by vsb

  1. the idea is that for pump shotguns to utilize cover more effectively (because of burst damage) they should have a longer ttk and/or shorter range compared to smgs as it is now pump shotguns excel or are mostly equal in all areas, which makes them slightly unbalanced across the whole cqc category
  2. lore is not gameplay nor would i consider the shallow bounty mechanic "content" the current bounty system is not dependent on current mission performance so the "backup" excuse falls a little short as well just because there are people (im willing to bet a very small minority) who enjoy something doesn't mean it needs to remain
  3. im all over this dont worry
  4. it serves no gameplay purpose, and if it was limited to out of mission players it would only be more useless
  5. the windup limits the ogre to ambushing enemies around corners and forces you to mag dump once you've started firing for max effectiveness the nfas has neither issue and is therefore infinitely more flexible in a fight
  6. its a delicate issue because lmgs can cover so many ranges effectively, too much of a buff could really throw balance off i saw an interesting suggestion a while back (from @Lord Cashpoint iirc) that lmgs should have the same accuracy whether crouching or standing, and crouching should decrease recoil instead of increasing initial accuracy, i think that would be a good place to start with lmgs
  7. there's a difference between top golds losing to each other and top golds steamrolling lowbies mike tyson didn't start boxing and immediately have championship matches for his first 20 fights, if he did he'd probably be dead, which in this analogy seems equivalent to a lowbie quitting apb
  8. i'd say LMGs have never really been relevant, the increased difficulty of use just to get the same (or less) performance as other weapons is a pretty big roadblock for the category the "best" LMGs atm are the ones that don't function like LMGs (at least in apb) are intended to - the nssw is basically an assault rifle, the swarm has increased accuracy while moving, the euryale is more accurate, and all three weapons have faster movement speed when equipped allowing them to be used more aggressively and react to unexpected situations better
  9. i personally enjoy the fc challenges as it incentivizes me to actually change up my gameplay and keeps fc from getting completely stale perhaps a system where each fc has asylum’s cash tiers with baylan’s challenge tiers on top for extra rewards, that way there’s something for everyone
  10. i think we both know that they weren't talking about sparring, but actual competition fights
  11. the only issue i have is that i think overtime should take effect if any point is being capped by either team, thus avoiding the situation where each team has one point and one team is capping the 3rd but the mission ends regardless
  12. it’s a pretty established fact that explosives have a pretty low skill ceiling - a pair of concs and a very flexible primary will often equal or outperform explosives when it comes to vehicle missions or campers, with the added bonus of being effective outside of those situations as well someone looking for a permanent gun is going to benefit more from the ursus than the volcano, unless as you said they already have a permanent ntec
  13. 4gb would be enough to run only apb but ofc you need more for background programs, so 8gb is the minimum requirement afaik
  14. it would end up with waterfront basically never getting pop because it sucks patootie from a gameplay perspective that might not matter now because wf is often empty with low pop anyway, but in the future if we get more players this system would have to be removed and i think it will cause unnecessary frustration at that point
  15. seconded bet it wouldn't take a year to be (un)playable either
  16. nothing about battle royales are competitive, the entire game mode is based on rng
  17. yeah there was about zero testing done on the “new” event
  18. can we get a quick reboot for the engine upgrade too
  19. i think it’s understandable that people might want a permanent all around effective primary (ursus) over a pretty niche and limited one (volcano), especially if they aren’t big spenders and only have 1 or 2 permanent weapons in their locker
  20. tl;dr - riot sucked and would require massive changes to actually be viable
  21. i'll second this, just to see the salty thread about how orbit is ruining the value of a "rare" gun
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