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Everything posted by vsb

  1. maybe they have almost no goals :^)
  2. deep impact if you have good positioning and timing skills kickback if you don’t
  3. nowhere did i mention throwing the match?
  4. this has been happening since overtime was created by g1
  5. i mean if the teams are mismatched that badly, why would you want a lucky n5/p5 kill to allow you to finish an objective and have to play another whole stage? wouldnt it just be better for everyone in a blatantly mismatched teams scenario for the mission to end asap?
  6. ue4 apb has been shelved indefinitely at this point
  7. i love that people think forcing english only will cut down the “spam” does anyone really think the things being said in other languages are different from what’s being said in english? the only difference limiting foreign languages will bring is more people typing in broken english, i consider that far more irritating than a language my brain doesn’t understand any of
  8. it still resupplies all ammo completely, explosives are the only things limited
  9. n5/p5 isn’t based solely on current mission performance - a player could have stomped his opp on the last mission and only been barely breaking even on the current mission, but still go n5/p5 edit: this doesn’t really have much to do with matchmaking or threat
  10. moving this thread to offtopic thanks, amayii
  11. golds can't really play atm either, waiting 30 minutes for each mission or repeatedly getting a bunch of lowbies that don't even know how to jump isnt exactly the optimal apb experience
  12. vsb

    An Error

    seems like you need aquire a video card that supports alpha blending with floating point render targets, since that's required to run this game
  13. seems pretty contradictory
  14. the csg had been a solid part of the meta (with the jg trailing ever so slightly behind) until rayscaling, so i’m not really sure what op’s talking about ontopic: rayscaling is a crutch that allows players with poor aim to ignore shotguns intentional balancing and get easy ttks
  15. what exactly does it mean to “prepare for a ban” ?
  16. have you just been sitting here refreshing the thread every 5 minutes? otherwise im not sure how you would know lol
  17. please visit a doctor veterinarian asap
  18. it’s not preventing abuses it’s openly allowing them removing the penalties for dethreating alone will actively encourage more people to do so and those people will still go and stomp on bronze/silver players, bleeding the population from both ends of the skill spectrum it’s very easy to manipulate score in order to affect your threat level, especially when the system assigns you a low consistency rating, as it does with dethreaters all your suggested system does is have little orbit stop banning the few dethreaters they already do yes let’s just allow even more ToS violations that’s how we make apb a better game
  19. i think that usually only applies to games that get new content so not apb :^)
  20. not only would allowing dethreaters to freely exploit the system mean that more matches in gold districts are ruined by afk players, but since the only way for these dethreaters to stay in bronze for any length of time is to lose missions they’ll be artificially boosting genuine bronze/silver players to higher threats - leading to an ever increasing loop of players dethreating, or quitting altogether
  21. who would have thought that game development was complicated and unpredictable shocking really
  22. what exactly would this solve? youd still likely have massive skill imbalance in each solo match, and now people are further discouraged from grouping because they’ll be forced to use the “try hard gold” instance
  23. joker boxes are different (and i’d assume the most profitable items on armas) due to the gambling mechanics, since for every player that buys a legendary through the ingame mp another player had to buy at least 5$ of g1c i doubt the intent was ever to allow players to rack up the entire joker store inventory, although (and i doubt the devs thought this far) the ability to do so will inevitably encourage some people to try, since apb is all about the grind there is wiggle room but i think almost doubling potential fc rewards is a bit much, especially considering the mission jt reward system has yet to be fine tuned and in the future more activities game modes could be added imo it’s less frustrating to deal with a slightly slow accumulation now than it will be to potentially have max earnings taken away in the future
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