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Everything posted by vsb

  1. they've also since sold those intellectual rights, so we might be fucked lol
  2. thanks to g1 little orbit is contractually obligated to continue development for console apb, its not quite as simple as "just focusing on pc"
  3. there will always be a meta, it’s inevitable when trying to equalize so many unique items i disagree with a tuning system that has lots of variability much like weapons, a player should be able to see any vehicle and have at least a rough expectation of how it functions, consistency is key in ensuring that carplay is more easily counterable - not knowing that the opponent has extra acceleration or top speed tuning will cause players to mistime grenades and rockets, interfere with the already tight window most av guns already have, and mess up vehicle collisions now i don’t know how extensive of a system you had in mind so maybe these issues could be reduced by simply changing the vehicle modification list (shown when aiming at a vehicle ingame) to show what kind of tuning a vehicle has instead of what mods it has but my issue there is that imo for a tuning system to be worth implementing there’s should be quite a bit of variations and possibilities, at the very least the listed information would be harder to comprehend especially in the middle of a firefight
  4. iirc vehicles already have a slowdown effect after being loaded beyond original capacity? dont really see a need to double down on nerfs for an already barely used mod
  5. the deep impact concussion grenades have almost no bounce whatsoever and there's a noticeable pause before apb gravity/physics kicks in, i've seen multiple people referring to this behavior as "sticky" (he even put it in quotes to emphasize its not really sticky)
  6. lets delete citadel to make the pop even
  7. all bounty does atm is provide an incentive to faction kill n5/p5 opposition isnt going to change that, and if by some miracle that n5/p5 death moves the mission to another stage its just going to be another 3-7 minutes of the low skill team being stomped
  8. hello i am a gold and i am not receiving any exclusive benefits, should i contact support?
  9. look at what adding more weapons has done to balance lol i'm of the opinion that cars go exactly as fast as they need to, any more and the districts would feel even smaller than they already do not to mention how much it would effect game balance to have vehicles blasting around at 100/150/200 mph how awful that now players have to choose between on the fly inventory access (via field supplier), indestructible cars (via blowtorch), and a legitimate wallhacks (via spotter), truly the game is broken when different mod choices have consequences vehicles are weapons in apb, i think that alone justifies treating them like weapons but other than that why wouldn't you balance vehicles? not balancing them is what we have today, where 3 cars are used and everything else is just a money trap for new players that don't know better yet and then you want to add more vehicles, if we're not going to fix the current ones and they remain better than every other option those new vehicles are going to go right in the dumpster loyos arent meant for vehicles in the first place i find them to do just fine at complementing aggressive play pretty sure more people would use loyos if concs weren't basically mandatory to deal with the awful car balance
  10. afaik support (via epic) for ue3 is either going or already gone
  11. maybe they have almost no goals :^)
  12. deep impact if you have good positioning and timing skills kickback if you don’t
  13. nowhere did i mention throwing the match?
  14. this has been happening since overtime was created by g1
  15. i mean if the teams are mismatched that badly, why would you want a lucky n5/p5 kill to allow you to finish an objective and have to play another whole stage? wouldnt it just be better for everyone in a blatantly mismatched teams scenario for the mission to end asap?
  16. ue4 apb has been shelved indefinitely at this point
  17. i love that people think forcing english only will cut down the “spam” does anyone really think the things being said in other languages are different from what’s being said in english? the only difference limiting foreign languages will bring is more people typing in broken english, i consider that far more irritating than a language my brain doesn’t understand any of
  18. it still resupplies all ammo completely, explosives are the only things limited
  19. n5/p5 isn’t based solely on current mission performance - a player could have stomped his opp on the last mission and only been barely breaking even on the current mission, but still go n5/p5 edit: this doesn’t really have much to do with matchmaking or threat
  20. moving this thread to offtopic thanks, amayii
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