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Everything posted by vsb

  1. it took me like 2 days to get the devil wings calm down lmao i'll never see the point of lording your special "exclusives" over people in a 500 pop game, especially if that's the only reason you played the event in the first place
  2. the consequences of no segregation, it's really not that hard to figure out
  3. lmao system created specifically to be abused so that g1 could pretend apb had better numbers when they sold this hunk of shit to the console publisher
  4. while missions are being reworked might as well fix the spawn system
  5. stable performance, since that’s the only thing the engine upgrade is for
  6. vsb


    literally a 30 second google search unrelated, this post has not aged well
  7. .01-.05 is enough for me, i've never had any issues with dropped shots perhaps your connection just isn't stable enough
  8. i wasn’t talking about the engine upgrade i was talking about her repeated statements that anyone banned by fairfight was cheating, despite using the anticheat as her own personal banhammer
  9. there are some packs that are account bound (juggernaut, revelations) but a majority of them are character bound and cannot be upgraded to or purchased account bound
  10. aside from straight up lying to the community, nbd lmao
  11. looks like i misread the op yes the system i posted is only for weapons, and afaik there is currently no way to “upgrade” any other character bound packs or items purchased from armas
  12. afaik this is already a thing the armas system may be a bit buggy tho, i know there’s been issues with items being incorrectly marked as owned or not owned for some people
  13. i’m not sure about razer or logitech but i know of several gaming mouse softwares that allow you to simulate mouse movements - no need for autohotkey or scripts or reading game memory, just a simple macro that moves your “mouse” down after every click as for slowing down your max rof macro we’re talking adding a delay anywhere from .01s to .05s being enough to eliminate dropped shots, i find it hard to believe that’s significantly slower than the average semi automatic user manually clicking
  14. idk what .65s has to do with anything but for semi auto weapons you can just set your macro to a slightly longer interval and still get essentially "perfect" timing without dropping shots and a macro can also be used to completely eliminate vertical recoil, it might be small but that is still an advantage
  15. any chance we'll see a rainbow sugar plum fairy skin pack?
  16. vsb


    the /report system was added for a different anticheat, but little orbit has revamped it to be a standalone system no one can really say if it actually works but it's def not just a "leftover"
  17. i doubt anything will really be done about macros until a company and game far more popular than little orbit and apb decides to do something about proprietary gaming mouse software
  18. it's not like when there were more districts because of more population that also meant there were more toxic players, not to mention there were basically no rules under g1 whether you want to recognize it or not the game is largely the same, from the same arguments (including this very "the game was better at x time" argument) to the same slices of population to the same exploits and bugs - in the end that's what really killed apb, it's not only stale but it's literally never worked
  19. as a gold player obviously i don't belong in the silver district
  20. i see no reason to add extra problems for myself via getting locked out of my own account, if someone really wants to brute force my account on a dead game they're more than welcome
  21. so basically nothing is changing? thanks chief
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