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Everything posted by vsb

  1. now the dethreaters don't even have to dethreat to stomp new players, its great! hold on
  2. i feel like we had this same thread at the end of 2018 we’re long past the point where “trying their best” just isn’t enough
  3. vsb

    Happy New Year 2020 .

    here's hoping it's better than the last
  4. if its only ps4 users then the reason likely lies with either sony or the company responsible for publishing apb on consoles, deep silver
  5. not to downplay any of the good players i've faced over the years but a primarily hitscan tps built from the ground up around rng does not make for a high skill ceiling, in fact the abundance of rng actively removes skill requirements
  6. source: there's not even enough server space to spin up mission district instances for all 4 threat levels, why little orbit thought running an event (which almost always brings in more population, resulting in more instances being needed) was a good idea is beyond me
  7. they're working on it by getting the eu server location up and running, that's the only solution
  8. there is no room for extra districts because of the eu server situation
  9. i swear i saw a post about someone from orbit being onsite, must have been mistaken
  10. i’m curious if little orbit flew people to the new location, then flew them back home for xmas, and then will have to fly them back again to the new location for final fixes
  11. but the real golds aren’t the ones dethreating, you’ve even said that yourself
  12. the event is bad, orbit isn't going to fix it time to move on
  13. this is a thread about threat levels not rank levels
  14. what makes the “real” gold clans toxic other than wanting to play as best they can?
  15. altering weapon stats would require everyone's client to be patched
  16. you seem more like a balls kind of guy to me tbh
  17. the alternative to allowing overlay crosshairs is that little orbit utilizes software that monitors everything on your pc while apb is running (and maybe even while it’s not) i get that maybe you don’t have any issue with that since the secret police already have their hand so far up your patootie they know when you drool, but most people don’t like such a large breach of personal privacy or security
  18. it’s trash uninspired and unbalanced copy/paste of the already boring halloween event but with even more gameplay restrictions its clear that no one bothered to meaningfully playtest this event (thanks qa/spct), we’ve already had one mostly irrelevant hotfix patch and there should be several more but tbh i don’t think orbit cares enough to put more effort into fixing this train wreck oh and 75% of the pop is still playing with high ping despite “compensation” running out
  19. lol yeah they were totally trying to give us something new
  20. if you're really that worried you can go to the eac website to confirm that playclaw is whitelisted
  21. source: as stated here, crosshairs are allowed as long as you don’t edit the game files a quick google search for “overlay crosshair” turns up plenty of options
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