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Everything posted by vsb

  1. i’m curious if little orbit flew people to the new location, then flew them back home for xmas, and then will have to fly them back again to the new location for final fixes
  2. but the real golds aren’t the ones dethreating, you’ve even said that yourself
  3. the event is bad, orbit isn't going to fix it time to move on
  4. this is a thread about threat levels not rank levels
  5. what makes the “real” gold clans toxic other than wanting to play as best they can?
  6. altering weapon stats would require everyone's client to be patched
  7. you seem more like a balls kind of guy to me tbh
  8. the alternative to allowing overlay crosshairs is that little orbit utilizes software that monitors everything on your pc while apb is running (and maybe even while it’s not) i get that maybe you don’t have any issue with that since the secret police already have their hand so far up your patootie they know when you drool, but most people don’t like such a large breach of personal privacy or security
  9. it’s trash uninspired and unbalanced copy/paste of the already boring halloween event but with even more gameplay restrictions its clear that no one bothered to meaningfully playtest this event (thanks qa/spct), we’ve already had one mostly irrelevant hotfix patch and there should be several more but tbh i don’t think orbit cares enough to put more effort into fixing this train wreck oh and 75% of the pop is still playing with high ping despite “compensation” running out
  10. lol yeah they were totally trying to give us something new
  11. if you're really that worried you can go to the eac website to confirm that playclaw is whitelisted
  12. source: as stated here, crosshairs are allowed as long as you don’t edit the game files a quick google search for “overlay crosshair” turns up plenty of options
  13. being the first person to resort to name calling because you have nothing of substance to add doesn’t really make you seem like a credible source tbh, just another garbage player who’s ego can’t handle the reality that there’s people out there who are better
  14. it looks like you’re unable to level up, not unable to play this is probably going to stay as it is until the eu servers are properly set up, i don’t really see the point in complaining about it tbh
  15. source: they can’t detect them and it’s a waste of time even trying, comparing a visual crosshair preference to murder is beyond asinine
  16. it’s not “morally low” at all, because it’s no longer against the letter or the spirit of the game according to mattscott’s clarification on overlay crosshairs
  17. static crosshairs are not against the rules as long as you aren’t editing the game files to use them
  18. they also might be on armas after the event, if orbit decides to add a “previous xmas event” reward pack like they did for halloween
  19. no, your name just changes on their friends list and any creations (symbols, cars, clothes, etc) you’ve made
  20. easy money for little orbit, throw a pack on armas in the rainbow color skin colors
  21. happy nondenominational holiday
  22. we still have the system underneath the hood, it’s just hidden
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