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Everything posted by vsb

  1. it’s a valid point, if golds are facing low skill players more often how are we supposed to improve our own skills?
  2. how are bronze players gonna get good if they just stop playing after getting stomped by dethreaters and golds?
  3. update 14 hours ago, your comment 10 hours ago if you mean the twitter post, do you really count what looks like a badly photoshopped screenshot as an update?
  4. isn’t this an update posted on the forums?????????
  5. and the dethreaters still, who don’t even have to dethreat now
  6. i was really looking forward to 12 deaths of xmas and snowball mayhem tbh, but new rewards help with the disappointment since this is a reskin of the halloween event will we have to deal with the heavy fog and terrible lighting/shaders or have those been altered? and any chance we can get previews of the new weapon skin effects?
  7. there are more followers on twitter than registered forum users, therefore the forums are less important also twitter is a far more acceptable place for a brief teaser image imo i'm pretty sure every holiday event orbit has run so far has been a week before the holiday and a week after the holiday, idk why this would be different
  8. explosives don't counter explosives anyway, so i don't see how this is an issue like saying its unfair that enfs have ltl despite it (like explosives) being a suboptimal choice edit: and putting the opgl/osmaw on armas would allow people to bypass the ingame rank restrictions anyway if they really felt such a disadvantage
  9. i mean explosive weapons overall have a super low skill ceiling, if more people use them it just means everyone else gets some easier kills
  10. i don’t see why not at this point, the volcano and eol line have been up on armas for years account bound opgl/osmaw seems like a pretty easy way for orbit to make a few bucks
  11. the press release said it was someone who actively played apb i have no reason to doubt a chinese run game would be more focused on immediate profit, but i’m pretty sure they’d be willing to buy the apb:r rights since they own the rest of the ip
  12. well there's clearly an anonymous chinese player who was more than willing to buy the entire ip, the press release for the ip sale made it sound like the only reason they didn't sell apb:r as well was because orbit felt it was unfair to put the playerbase through another management change
  13. im confused, because the engine upgrade has always been coming?
  14. tbh i’ve yet to experience this bug but i’ve been told turning off all hud icons (contacts, mailboxes, money laundry, etc) can help sometimes, as this seems to be an issue where the game suddenly decreases the max display limit
  15. it’s an unfortunate bug with ipb, it happens on desktop too if a post is long enough not sure if it’s limited to chrome or not tho orbit doesn’t really have control over fixing this other than putting in a fix request to the actual devs of the software
  16. almost every mod works decently on the tommy gun tbh
  17. gold mystery boxes are already available
  18. why would i take 5 minutes to launch apb and go to a clothing kiosk instead of a 5 second google search?
  19. i'd rather not see orbit add any new guns until they show they can actually balance the guns we already have tbh they aren't off to a great start
  20. altering the fire rate of a weapon would require someone to access the apb servers and make alterations directly to the code it's not completely impossible, but do you think someone with the ability and desire to commit a felony would use that access just to fire their secondary weapon a little faster?
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