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Everything posted by vsb

  1. it was nice to have an actual sense of progression but realistically i don’t think it would change much at this point
  2. looks like you somehow didn't uninstall correctly and the game is using a modified minimal config try using the advanced apb launcher (https://media.gamersfirst.com/gamersmedia/apb/Advanced_APB_Launcher.zip) to tweak your settings back to normal
  3. saying you don't believe in meta weapons is different from saying you don't believe in only using meta weapons that was pretty much my point, the ddosers were actively destroying the game by rendering it unplayable for extended periods, they weren't using their ability to ddos to only make people they shoot at lag for easy mission wins similarly i think someone with access to apb's code is far more likely to be crashing servers or deleting characters rather than adding a few points of damage to their gun i never said there were no cheaters - even in the quote you responded to i said it was a possibility, just unlikely imo
  4. this is pretty easy to do, it's just a matter of finding the right angle changing the damage of a weapon would require a patch to the entire game afaik, generally this impression is given when there's lag somewhere in the connection - on their screen they fired whatever the correct amount of bullets is, but to you it looks like 2 because your client didn't receive everything i find it difficult to believe someone would put in the time and effort to compromise the servers and only use that access to cheat slightly better, but it is still a possibility there are also people who don't believe the earth is round don't be like those people
  5. you think a player has server access to apb and instead of doing whatever they want, they used it to win a mission against you? lmao the ego
  6. as an na player i haven’t seen anyone i would label a cheater in a month or two of regular play sessions but there has to be a few running around, even with the small population it’s inevitable that someone will want to cheat their way to being better also as an na player, there are several groups of players who play hyper aggressively which gives the appearance of cheating, when really it’s just constant spawn pushing and rotating combined with solid aim and positioning if i’m soloing it’s almost guaranteed that my teammates will hackusate these players after getting stomped hard keep in mind there are tons of ways to be seen without being seen - from normal gameplay mechanics like spotter or simply abusing the third person camera, to slightly less “legitimate” methods like being able to see player names through closed doors or removing ambient sounds to hear players better it is a refreshing change that you didn’t just rage post
  7. judging by halloween the pack goes up after the event is over iirc
  8. thanks for posting in the pinned thread about holiday event issues
  9. it literally says you can't log in because you don't have the right client version, why on earth did you change your password
  10. shouldn't have changed your password edit: account security is handled by support afaik, stop spamming the forums
  11. probably the same reason we dont have threat restricted districts, there's not enough space on just the na servers to host na instances and eu instances, as well as the event districts
  12. if you're on the same page then why bother typing out a reply that says otherwise? don't have one, otherwise i probably would tbh
  13. sure am glad the engine upgrade devs took a break to make this event, really fills me with hope i don’t understand how this event even made it past one person in testing technical issues aside it’s just incredibly unfun gameplay, there’s a reason previous xmas events had half gunfights and half snowball fights
  14. should have just returned the normal xmas event smh
  15. 12 deaths is the superior event tho, i would have loved a rerun of that with new rewards
  16. wow you guys are really upfront about this being a copy/paste event huh?
  17. patch announcement threads are almost never locked afaik
  18. looks like eu nerds can finally go home get the fuck outta here seriously
  19. how does that work with gold loyalty boxes, or are they allowed because they’re technically free?
  20. i believe they can buy boxes but they aren’t allowed to trade their winnings
  21. i actively try not to remember tbh, and my therapist thinks that's a good idea - this is going to set me back weeks
  22. this would make several weapons 1 shot kills when used by silvers against golds, regardless of the skill difference i don't see that as fair
  23. i can't believe i'm taking this seriously but here we are the primary reason for players to be silver and bronze is a lack of game knowledge, a 50% health reduction doesn't matter much when you can (often literally) run in circles around lower threat players and i have additional questions about the actual health reduction mechanic too - does it take effect at the beginning of the match? does it only happen when in combat with a lower threat player? if so, how is combat determined? how does this mechanic function when the opposing team is a variety of threats? how does this mechanic deal with backup? is the reduction interpreted as damage (i.e. will the low health vignette be forced on affected players)? how does player health return to normal after the reduction no longer applies - is it instant or do players have to regen? how does the health reduction interact with character modifications?
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