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Everything posted by vsb

  1. then just don't play, we've been given a timeline and you spamming the same post over and over again isn't going to affect that timeline in any way
  2. sure is easy to "win" arguments when you can just call anyone who disagrees with you a cheater defender
  3. you posted something mildly controversial in a public forum and somehow it becomes personal when people reply??????????????? i'm unclear on why giving my opinion (that orbit doesn't deserve all that much appreciation based on the current state of the game) is somehow toxic and bad
  4. 4: don’t enjoy 2 years of little orbit having no idea what they’re doing, from development to game direction to armas to servers to anticheat i like generalizations too! here’s one: the people who complain about how toxic and awful “the community” is are almost always more toxic and awful themselves losing 40% of na pop will hurt, but i think the engine upgrade will bring enough returners to make up for the 2 cheaters who quit
  5. it’s the nutcracker weapon skin available from the current xmas event
  6. vsb


    we don’t know the drop rate of the gold boxes but regular joker boxes are 1% for a legendary, idk why anyone is surprised not to pop legendaries all the time
  7. pretty sure he said exactly what his feelings were right there in the first post
  8. even if it's just the same quality as the witcher 3 but with a different setting i think it will be a pretty massive success
  9. vsb


    i regularly get legendaries after opening one box that day, but i buy a lot of legendaries
  10. maybe we’ll get lucky and they’ll shut down apb entirely before cyberpunk 2077
  11. idk man. at least with the old system there was a chance for dethreaters to be banned now they can't be banned because they aren't doing anything against the rules and not only do the bronzes have to deal with dethreaters but all the regular golds as well, no one wins
  12. i agree that apb isn't ready for competitive gameplay, but i think this is a pretty obvious fact? my opinion is that RNG is the primary reason apb will never be competitive; you mention random objectives and civilians (honorable mention to the spawn system as well), but apb is a pvp shooter first and almost every single weapon is balanced around the inclusion of RNG - from initial accuracy to spread/bloom to damage dropoff this heavy reliance on a mechanic that actively reduces the effect of player skill is what hampers apb more than the poor balance or bad performance i find the opposite to be true honestly because each block is intended to be it's own "separate" little arena there was almost no focus put on how players would traverse between these arenas, resulting in the best way to defend your city block often being an aggressive push outwards in order to catch your opponents while they're exposed in the streets
  13. now the dethreaters don't even have to dethreat to stomp new players, its great! hold on
  14. i feel like we had this same thread at the end of 2018 we’re long past the point where “trying their best” just isn’t enough
  15. vsb

    Happy New Year 2020 .

    here's hoping it's better than the last
  16. if its only ps4 users then the reason likely lies with either sony or the company responsible for publishing apb on consoles, deep silver
  17. not to downplay any of the good players i've faced over the years but a primarily hitscan tps built from the ground up around rng does not make for a high skill ceiling, in fact the abundance of rng actively removes skill requirements
  18. source: there's not even enough server space to spin up mission district instances for all 4 threat levels, why little orbit thought running an event (which almost always brings in more population, resulting in more instances being needed) was a good idea is beyond me
  19. they're working on it by getting the eu server location up and running, that's the only solution
  20. there is no room for extra districts because of the eu server situation
  21. i swear i saw a post about someone from orbit being onsite, must have been mistaken
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