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Everything posted by vsb

  1. well at least 3stk across the whole weapon class was scrapped, so at least one person on the balance team is actually thinking
  2. not great at cqc due to high ttk and 3stk, not great at range because low effective range and pellet spread might as well just use a thunder, it’s better at being a ranged shotgun and it doesn’t take up a primary weapon slot
  3. considering a player can achieve gold without ever firing a shot, aiming skill may be helpful but it’s definitely not necessary and even if it was, there used to be a player who maintained gold threat with no hands - if the average silver can’t outperform a legitimately handicapped player then how can they recognize the difference between a really good player and a really good cheater?
  4. iirc the main issue was people potentially hoarding names, which is a thing in basically every single online community ever and really doesn't matter much
  5. because chances are if someone doesn't know enough about apb to get gold they also probably don't know enough to reliably judge who is cheating
  6. thread title makes me lol out loud
  7. yeah the forum mod is gonna go have a talk with eu customs to show who’s boss spoiler: it’s not the forum mod
  8. haha yeah man riot was great, no issues at all i still think riot should have been anarchy/chaos districts but with randomly generated objectives this would have allowed orbit to push out riot super fast, and given them a solid base to “test themselves” on by adding content (new objectives, new mode variations, new weapon balance, etc) over time, as opposed to spending a year developing riot only to delete it within a month
  9. we have basically same devs we had under g1, iirc it was stated when orbit took over that they were rolling a majority of current g1 devs over into orbit
  10. vsb

    Name Glitched

    there’s a message when you delete a character that it could take up to 90 days (or is it minutes?) for the character name to become available again iirc
  11. heavy barrel reduces bloom not recoil, it doesn't have much effect on the tommy gun and heavy barrel itself is almost worthless, as the benefits are almost never worth the loss of damage (and therefore the higher ttk)
  12. you can outrange the ogre even with other cqc weapons, it has like 10m of effective range because it’s spread is so wide if you want an actual example of a broken cqc weapon, grab a pmg with ir3 and laugh as you min ttk ogres at 40m
  13. weapon balance is one of the few things that can be done to apb in its current state without needing to pull devs away from other more important projects like the engine upgrade weapon balance is also a very big problem in apb, i’m not sure why it would be “the last thing to do”, i would reserve that spot for aesthetic/graphical changes i will agree that little orbits balancing efforts have been more bad then good but they’ve clearly taken note of this, recent changes have been excessively conservative and they’ve been allowing the entire community to both test and provide feedback on them “fun” is pretty subjective, i personally enjoyed the Kill Mattscott/Kill the GM events, the Autumn Assault event, and last year’s Epidemic halloween event i agree that riot was an objective failure and one made worse by little orbit claiming it was “just for testing” after the community (rightfully) blasted it, as if you put out hype a year in advance and do press releases for “just a test” i actually feel the opposite about the showstoppers the base showstopper is overtuned, it’s slightly too competitive in cqc for a secondary weapon the thunder is very well balanced, i’m not sure why you’re complaining about ttk when it has essentially the same ttk as the fbw and it can easily hit min ttk all the way out to 25m - it’s a risk/reward oriented gun, if you can land all your shots you have a powerful shotgun secondary that can outrange almost every other cqc weapon, if you miss then you’ve got a long unforgiving ttk the new glory ttks are also fine imo especially given how easy it is to partially circumvent the marksmanship mod penalty, what really leaves the gun underwhelming is it’s accuracy - hipfire accuracy is too low to truly take advantage of its lower ttk, and marksmanship accuracy suffers from “LCRness” where it constantly drops shots that artificially lengthen ttk at the end of the day legendaries aren’t supposed to be “legendary” super guns, they’re simply intended to have a unique playstyle or mechanic that “normal” guns do not i think you should take those rose tinted glasses off under g1 the game went down for multiple weeks at a time some years under g1 the servers were intentionally downgraded multiple times, despite g1 showing the community “proof” (via indecipherable or irrelevant graphs) that the new option would be better under g1 the community was repeatedly told that the ddos issue was being fixed, all the way up until they sold the game to another company, still with the exact same ddos issue under g1 there often wouldn’t be any compensation if the downtime was only for a day or two i can’t say i like the way little orbit has been going about things so far but at the end of the day it’s clear they’re genuinely trying to better the game, that alone puts them ahead of the company that actively dumpstered apb over the course of 7 years thank you for coming to this week’s Apb Anonymous meeting, please make sure to check in with your sponsors on the way out
  14. ogre is fine, just stop sprinting through blind corners - if ogre users can't ambush you by bypassing the windup then they're free kills
  15. the advanced launcher will be allowed until the engine upgrade is fully released, at which point most of the advanced launcher graphical options should be available through the ingame settings menu
  16. i guess technically you’re right, since moving the server back before they’re even finished moving them to new locations is a pretty stupid idea ive already bought everything on armas and i’m benefiting from the ny server location, feels pretty great tbh
  17. “don’t let a free discount pressure you into spending money on a product that wasn’t even useable for a majority of the last week” seems like pretty solid advice
  18. it’s the universe telling you how poor a financial dedication it is to spend money on a horribly managed game that was literally down for like 72 hours this week
  19. sounds like a pretty simple support issue
  20. i haven’t been in a bronze district since 2011, hop off my banana homeslice
  21. that comparison makes no sense aside from diablo 3 being a successful game to begin with it’s also primarily a pve focused rpg afaik while apb has some rpg aspects it’s still a pvp shooter, and your character’s level and equipment is almost irrelevant - sure it’s nice to have 3slot guns and r195 mods, but at the end of the day any decent player will unlock a pmg/ntec/hvr within 10 missions and never really need anything else there’s no “fresh slate” when aim skill and game experience are the primary differences in “power levels” for apb
  22. lol what? deleting someone's characters isn't going to magically remove their skill level nor would it magically create five thousand active players for matchmaking to use, a full wipe would change literally nothing - except make pretty much everyone quit i suppose, but "fixing" the game by killing it dead is just a meme solution
  23. so as a ny resident i get 15ms to la servers? its been a long time since colby was around but i don't ever remember having that good of a connection to west coast servers
  24. isn't being able to sit in social and design symbols compensation enough?
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