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Everything posted by vsb

  1. at least there’s a chance orbit punishes dethreaters, as they have in the past no segregation just let dethreaters face bronzes without having to break the tos
  2. it’s hard to take you seriously when you’ve played for almost a decade but think gold can only be achieved via cheating, and can’t even read the startup splash screen well enough to comprehend we have easyanticheat and not battleye
  3. negative feedback loops are supposed to affect players doing well the bounty system affects players doing good, average, or even poorly in their current mission this is not a correct negative feedback loop, so it was removed
  4. the cm played with people she didnt know were banned under g1, on her personal twitch channel, and boosted her account to r255 the forums literally stopped working because there were so many people sperging out over it at once
  5. the new clothing is up on armas for anyone interested the usual shitty presets and small preview images, good to see that little orbit isn't improving at all
  6. not even close really like saying the issra is equal to the issrb
  7. i’m a jericho player and i don’t even want to play on jericho of course i also don’t want to play apb at all but whatever
  8. phasing has always been scheduled for after the engine upgrade afaik
  9. why are you having so much trouble with this? i do not have a suggestion, my only input is that i disagree with your suggestion to expand /abandonmission to allow players to quit opposed missions because it will be bad for overall gameplay i have no idea what america has to do with anything you’re intentionally making this a black and white issue for some reason, when it’s clearly not there’s a very delicate balance between mitigating cheaters and harming legitimate player experience for instance, little orbit could force all player movement server side, similar to how vehicles function would this prevent speedhackers? yes (probably) but it would also introduce a noticeable delay to every single player action, making legitimate gameplay feel clunky and awful, therefore its a bad idea even tho it would mitigate cheating in this case, would allowing players to quit opposed missions affect cheaters? yes but issue number 1 is that players in general are not good at determining who is cheating and who is not - there are probably hundreds if not thousands of hackusations every day, these hackusations (hopefully this is obvious) are not all correct so now if players are allowed and encouraged to bar people they think cheat from playing by quitting missions, then it’s inevitable that there will be players who are falsely accused of cheating and barred from playing issue number 2 is that players will abuse everything - your suggestion was meant to allow people to quit opposed missions against cheaters but in order to do so it will also allow people to quit missions against anyone for any reason, and players will take advantage of that dont like the objective location? quit dont like teammates? quit dont like opp? quit got arrested? quit starting to lose? quit there are already players who do this by disconnecting to lobby or restarting apb, making it easier will only allow the issue to become more and more widespread a system meant to deter cheaters instead being used to harm legitimate players’ game experience is generally a bad thing in my opinion
  10. i feel like someone should mention that the advanced launcher, config edits, and overlay crosshairs have all been approved by little orbit for the time being - advanced launcher is available to download from the official gamersfirst website: https://media.gamersfirst.com/gamersmedia/apb/Advanced_APB_Launcher.zip little orbit recognizes that these alterations are either borderline necessary for a large majority to even run the game, or are aesthetic preferences that do not affect gameplay source:
  11. ive been pitching anarchy/chaos districts with actual objectives for months now, but as simple as it would be i doubt little orbit will commit to anything like new game modes until after the engine upgrade
  12. its like you didn't even read the thread
  13. i think its more similar to the shaw vs euryale, where the same range is covered but one does everything better in return for a slightly (.02s) higher ttk the new glory really is a bad gun tho - not accurate enough to take advantage of its hipfire ttk and not enough range to make its marksmanship ttk a viable option, the gun is an awkward mess in basically any engagement you can somewhat fix this by abusing the poorly coded mod and repeatedly toggling marskmanship mode but thats super clunky and not worth the effort imo when you could just use a different AR instead
  14. i'm sorry that your balance suggestion was so poor that it only took a single sentence to poke a giant hole in it, but that seems like it's more a you problem than a me problem just for the record i'm also not the one that immediately jumped to insults when their opinion was challenged not against the current /abandonmission mechanic nor have i ever said otherwise, try again i'm glad that you've decided to agree with me in the end, although from the tone of your post i don't think you even realize it or you do realize and "You know exactly what you are doing, you are deliberately a smartass, you know you troll, but you hide behind wannabe intelligent shallow constructions and conclusions which are seen through like a water."
  15. aren’t you a “forum people” as well?
  16. what logical reason would there be for that distinction? not to mention this would be another indirect nerf to an already relatively underpowered weapon class the only pvp shooter i’ve played without friendly fire was the division and it was a pretty awful mess, with players strafing around and through each other's firing lines with impunity just so enemies never dealt full damage to a single person at a time you’re rewarded by either losing n5/p5 and continuing your mission without interference or getting n0/p0 and thus delaying your next n5/p5 for additional time, both of which are more valuable than the 1500 apb$ in my anecdotal experience - i seem to be faction killed (or even teamkilled) more often than not
  17. there is no further elaboration or context necessary, i stated that the potential for easy abuse such a system would allow applied regardless of cheaters framing it as defending cheaters even after that is just a poor attempt to sidestep discussion about the massive flaw in their suggestion
  18. that’s exactly how problems are solved irl, so i guess it’s just social interaction in general you don’t understand ?
  19. if you wish to fight 20 people at once while trying to solo an objective you’re free to play fight club i fail to see how the open world experience is enhanced by murdering (or being murdered by) your own faction, but you can do that without n5/p5 anyway
  20. why would you ever remove team damage? what about the bounty system makes the game less stale? aside from the fact that it’s been a part of apb for longer than half the other shitty mechanics we have, it offers nothing that you can’t get elsewhere in apb
  21. i don’t believe in utopias at all, but thanks for the classroom motivational poster quote
  22. yes believe it or not there are players that are better than me and players that are equal and players worse than me and these players exist in the same district and i get matched up against all of them on a regular basis what a crazy string of coincidences that happens all the time and yes a single death can lose you a mission even if it’s not the final stage, i have no idea why that’s a difficult concept for you to grasp for criminals only, sadly i generally play enforcer because the pop is favorable
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